Franco was a millitary dictator, so was Zalazar, Pidulski, Dollfuß and a few others. These where all devout catholics and supported by the church, like the medieval (often saint) monarchs of Europe. Mugabe is this generation's answer to them.
I think you are wrong about Mugabe. Mugabe's third-way policies doesn't work thanks to the starvation and the hyperinflatiion caused by the US/UN sanctions. As usually, the western allies are root of the evil.
Not only are you a false catholic and liberal heretic, you also spread the protestant lies about the noble men who devoted their lives to combat false converts such as you? The holy inquisition which saved us from suicide cults like the cathars and the 14:th century luciferians in the region where you live? People like you must be silenced!
"People like you must be silenced!"
Another so called christian who calls for killing of innocent people for what they dare say. I guess he is another zealot who has never heard or understood what "free speech" really means.
"protestant lies about the noble men who devoted their lives to combat false converts"
It's funny when their thin-skinned, tinfoil-hattery is directed towards people in their own religion. It really tickles my fancy (just like those Catholic priests!)
Ah of course, it is the western world that causes the hyperinflaton, not the failed economy policy of Mugabe himself.
I assume it is also the western world that causes Mugabes farms to lie fallow and not the fact that Mugabe threw out the experienced white farmers and replaced them with black veterans who had no knowledge of farming (and often even no will to do so) ;-)
Of course that's the problem..
Zimababwe is hurt by western countries that want Mugabe ousted not because he's a dictator but because he stands in the way of them grabbing his countries resources. I cant' help but notice that there are far worse then Mugabe but the US gov happily supports them.
But Mugabe is still a brutal dictator. He is a thug and a criminal and if not actually psychotic, he's doing a darn good impression.
One fact does not refute the other.
Personally I would love to see Mugabe in jail. I am just not willing to have millions of Zimabawean suffer even more to have that happen.
Zilly Zealous Zeth iz Ztupid.
The Inquisition didn't save anyone from anything. Consider that most of the cults and sects they tried to suppress still exist today. Jews and Muslims and their respective faiths are thriving.
Your worldview is screwed up, sonny. Get a grip.
The holy inquisition which saved us from suicide cults like the cathars
What does he mean "us"? At Beziers, they slaughtered everyone, Cathars and devout Catholics alike. When the papal legate was asked how they would know one from the other, he's said to have ordered "kill them all. God will know His own".
The cathars problem was they owned lands coveted by the church and the French king Zeth, nothing else. Mugabe is a murderous thug, pure and simple, and all you are doing with your attempted whitewash is making him a religious murderous thug.
Just a very weird 15 year old. Something bad happened to him when he was growing up, there is a deeply rooted obsession with absolute right and wrong, dispensation of justice, being in the right, etc, that is more suitable for a 10 year old's comprehension.
Either that or a troll who's pissing himself laughing at us.
Mugabe is a NON-CATHOLIC dictator. And by the way, Franco was not always supported by the Church(see Paul VI). And neither was Salazar. Ah, and let me tell you something. The Cathars existed LONG BEFORE the Inquisition which, by the way, didn't eliminate Judaism. Get your data straight.
Ah yes, the rational response to a rational disagreement; call the other person names and tell them to shut the hell up.
Oh, and my Swedish ancestors 'donated' their lands to the church, at swordpoint (according to family lore). So STFU.
Mugabe, LIKE PIDULSKI, is a socialist. He doesn't have the blessing of the Vatican(and never will, bearing in mind that he has sent to prison two Bishops)and, of course, is not a devout Catholic or otherwise. He has caused one of the worst economic crisis in recent history and the worst inflaction in the world. If you think that he's a man to admire just because he's a dictator, you'd better inform yourself. But of course, it's not the only WTF he's said so far. Among other pearls of wisdom, the Opus Dei was founded during Franco's dictatorship(in 1928?)and that 21% of the Europeans are creationists(just because they believe there might be a god?). And by the way, Zimbabwe isn't currently under ANY sanctions. Think before you write.
By the way, Salazar(what utterly ugly spelling) and Pidulski never were military men, check out before speaking. And Mugabe was not in the army either, guerrilla DOESN'T COUNT. His title of "colonel" is more than symbolic. Why is this poor misguided teen backing him, a socialist, who has ruined the country and who has a particular aversion against the Catholic Church?. I don't know, surely because for him dictator=good.
Uh, the only way the West is responsible for Mugabe's policies is because the British pulled out and left hacks and bootlickers in charge. All the colonial powers -- Belgium, Germany, France, the Arabs -- did that all over Africa, which is why it's utterly fucked now. And I don't think Mugabe is exactly a paragon of Catholic virtue -- he's a racist hatemonger and kleptocrat, and while I have much unlove for the Catholic Church, I would stop short of calling them malevolent. Compared to Mugabe, their asshattery is more like depraved indifference.
In fact, Brian, there are no embargoes or sanctions against Zimbabwe(yet). Only that UK, some European countries and EEUU have stopped making business with them, because of the economic crisis, that's obvious, but also because his total lack of respect for human rights(most patent when he ordered the assault of the white farmers' properties). Now, that some countries decide not to have business with you(isolationism)is not the same as the embargo that Cuba is living now and Iraq had in the past, which is what this moron is suggesting. Countries can decide with whom and where they have business with. No matter how much Mugabe and this Zealous Zeth protest, the economic chaos which reigns now is the result of Mugabe's mismanagement, because, as far as I'm concerned, South Africa, which is not a poor country even by western standards, Angola, which, despite inflaction, is growing and neighbour countries are trading with them. No excuses, please.
Concerning this guy, by the info I get and sneak through him, I think that he's got problems, even with his own church and that he's been expelled from several forums and youth groups. Go figure why.
Zelous, there are not currently any sanctions at all against Zimbabwe. The only existing ones are against INDIVIUDALS belonging to Mugabe's party, including Mugabe himself. Other than that, people are free to trade with Zimbabwe. However, Mugabe's overcontrolling government plus its endemic corruption have scared investors and traders. That is called ISOLATIONISM, not embargo.
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