You all know it's true. Liberals are whackjobs. Liberalism is amenatl disorder. There's something wrong with you if your liberal. And now your sending us all to Hell in a handbasket by electing Obama*coughmuslimcough*. A part me hopes he does win just so I can tell all you iditot assholes I told you so.
What's "amenatl"? Sounds exotic...\
Oh, and why is being a Muslim a bad thing? Your mindless bigotry is showing...
Rest assured, Obama is not a Muslim. You are retarded if you keep insisting otherwise, and it shows nothing but your tacit racism and paranoia when you continue to do so, sans facts.
You all know it's true. Liberals are whackjobs. Liberalism is amenatl(sic) disorder
Quit suckling from the withered teat of Ann Coulter and FOX News and learn how to develop your own thoughts.
There's something wrong with you if your liberal
Really? What?
Oh wait, let me guess, it's because we persecute you simply by disagreeing, right?
And now your sending us all to Hell in a handbasket
Like Bush and Co. haven't already dragged us down already?
What's your proof?
Just because you cross your fingers, click your heels, and really, really hope something is true, It still dosen't make it true. Sorry you lose. Please try again.
Fair enough, we've been able to tell you conservative idiots I told you so about Bush and his war-profiteer cronies for eight years now(cough, Karl Rove lap-puppets and Saudi Arabian asslicks,cough) unfortunately for our country.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
The OP is an excellent example of New English . It is a watered down, in respect to size of vocabulary, grammar rules and spelling, version of traditional English. This is done in order to enable religious right wingers without more than a few years of education, to read/write in such a way it allows them to communicate among themselves.
It's popularity is increasing due to increased level of non-educated religious morons in the US.
Bush's Speech Therapy coach?
Say, "nuclear". C'mon, say it.
So I'm an "iditot asshole" because I think the US government should help its citizens?
Also, Obama is a Christian, and I really hope you're below the voting age. Dipshit.
@Allegory for Jesus:"What's "amenatl"?"
I do believe it is an amphibian that lives in Central America...
EDIT: aw, JR had a funnier one...
Though maybe less enthusiastically...
I wouldn't even call Obama a liberal. He's more of a moderate.
But to you extreme-right whackjobs, even William F. Buckley probably qualified as a liberal.
This guy is not a conservative. I know a few real conservatives, and talking to a real conservative is truly frustrating because he can back up his ideas.
This fuck is just a reactionary bigot.
AC&P, a part me thinks your an iditot asshole with amenitl disorder.
Is this the fundy version of English like ebonics? Fundonics? Is LoneWolf the teacher?
mulim you say
him drinking beer
him eating pork
shoo now troll
You all know it's true.
(right away, I know bullshit follows)
Liberals are whackjobs.
(I don't believe liberals masturbate any more that conservative do, after all, liberals don't get your favorite porno magazaine, GunNutQuarterly)
Liberalism is amenatl disorder.
(I thought amenatl was some sort of drug)
There's something wrong with you if your liberal.
(Do you even know what the word liberal means?)
And now your sending us all to Hell in a handbasket by electing Obama*coughmuslimcough*.
(We won't all fit in a handbasket, there is no hell, and Obama is a Christian, three strikes, batter.)
A part me hopes he does win just so I can tell all you iditot assholes I told you so.
(What exactly did you tell us, apart from the subliminal message attesting to your own stupidity?)
Haha! Spot=1d20+5 (3 ranks + 2 wisdom bonus) = 15!
*cough muslim cough*
A clever and sneaky HIDDEN MESSAGE!! Wow.
(Yes I rolled a d20 and got 10. Wanna fight about it? I think you'll find I have a formidable Base Attack Bonus)
You are correct in that making fun of your spelling does not prove you wrong. However, since you presented no evidence we have no need to prove you wrong. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. So really, the only thing left to talk about is how stupid your poor spelling makes you look. Unfortunately for you, in academically inclined circles people are judged not only on the ideas presented, but also on the presentation of those ideas. If you are unable to present your case in an articulate manner, you will have difficulty being taken seriously.
Furthermore, the fact that you "LOL" at Obama being a Christian does not suggest that he isn't. I think the fact that he has his very own nutty pastor should be evidence enough.
Read the Bible. It has a high opinion of Liberals -
Con and proud is denying Holy Writ!
You wouldn't recognise a Liberal if he agreed with your right to be a twat.
In most of the sane worlds opinion, American Liberals are so far to the right that Genghis Khan points and says "Those lunatics over there". As for Republicans, poor Genghis would require a tall tree and a decent telescope just to spot the dustcloud raised by their stampede rightwards.
Conservative, if you were in a hurry, why didn't you take your time to write it later, when calmer?, lack of practice, maybe?, ignorance?. The presentation of your ideas indicates that your sources are not reliable and so is your method of research.
Conservatism is not a mental disorder, but it is an ideology that has always attracted the cognitively deficient, those who are incabable of learning. The constant, mindless regurgitation of the notion that Obama is a muslim, is an example of this. It is quite amazing that the conservative population of the United States is unable to realize that it is their arrogance, their chauvinism, that causes, and justifies, "anti-American" sentiment. Conservatism, with its ever myopic view of the world, has always been, and will always be, incompatible with civilized society.
"A part me hopes he does win just so I can tell all you iditot assholes I told you so."
How interesting I'm hoping Obama will win for much the same reason. Well to be more exact I'm hoping he'll get elected just so I can say I told you so when everything works out just fine. That and the fact that the US is in need of a more competent leader after the 8 year long catastrophy that has been George Dubya Bush.
By the way, are fundies always like this when there's an election?
Hmm, I wonder what A Conservative and Proud thinks of us socialists. I wonder what he/she thinks of Canada's Conservative Party for that matter. I think they are more left-of-centre than The US's Democrats.
"Liberals are whackjobs"
The Liberals (the political party in Canada) truly are whackjobs, but what politicians are not?
Michael: "Excuse me, but this is totally wrong - it's Mann Coulter."
Hey, now! Transsexuals get enough shit without being linked to Ann "I love the smell of stirred shit in the morning. Smells in the bank!" Coulter. We shouldn't let anything obscure the real reason we should be angry with her: she gleefully poisons the well of rational discourse for lulz and profits. Much like the subject of this thread, come to think.
@Ned Flanders,
what you say it's accurate and true of all extremist ideologies. There are too guys in the anarchist and extreme left circles who think that 9/11 was an inside plot(and right-wing nutjobs too). Those ideologies where things are always black-n-white, simple and bluntly final attract guys who don't have a lot of critical thinking and who tend to believe anything that their pastor, president or leader de jour thinks.
In America, however, as leftist ideologies are not as popular as in Europe, the dullards tend to be conservatives. And to be more precise, from the Biblical Belt, not because they're particularly religious but because they are the states where the lowest education standards exist. It's like a vicious circle. They tend to be radicals and religious fanatics because of lack of education and opportunities but there are still lack of education and opportunities because their mentality prevents them of changing the situation.
There is something wrong with me! This man is right! I'm becoming a conservative immediately to solve whatever problem I'm feeling!
Oh, wait. I just have gas.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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