On the subject of Jesus being a Jew:
What Jesus did was divide Judaism. Those Jews who did not believe he was the Messiah stayed the same, while those convinced that he was the Messiah founded Christianity. While Jesus, you could argue that if Jesus was the Messiah, he may have been "Christian" from birth, but being a technical Christian would require the Church to have been founded. If he wasn't the Messiah, he was a heretic or prophet/holy man turned heretic. So it all boils down to: Was Jesus the Messiah.
I forget where, but thee is a list of the requirements of the Messiah, and one of them relates to the "all may sit under their vines and fig trees and none shall make them afriad" line, that the Messiah that will bring world peace. That is whyI don't belive that Jesus was the Messiah, but many people belive that this will happen in the future, through Jesus' causing.
It is a shame that many Christians willingly accept Jesus as their savior without first researching it. Not good because there would be less of them, but good because it would keep the Church from brainwashing these people, making them blindly follow. I hate when Christians rant about why Judaism as bad. If No one thought Jesus was the Messiah, then all Christians would be Jewish. If everyone thought Jesus was the Messiah, then all Jews would be Christians.
If Jesus read that statement and took a tour of the world to day, he would be ashamed, divine or not.