Truth IsCrazier Than Fiction #conspiracy

DEEP OPS Insider: The Huge Explosions In China And Russia Is an Exotic Advanced Weapons Warning/Display By The US: Scalar Interferometer Display

China and Russia may rightly be preparing for WWIII because they are pissed about economic and proxy military aggression from the west. But what they do or don't realize is that they will be getting in way over their heads. The very reason the west is so aggressive is because the west knows it has superseded Chinese and Russian military technology by leaps and bounds. The west is 50 years ahead of both of these countries and that
is why the west is being so aggressive. Consider this... nuke tech is 70 years old and we developed that a-bomb with no modern tools or computers. Just imagine, if you will, what we have now. I've seen a glimpse 20 years ago and it is so exotic you wouldn't have a reference to even understand it.

The west has literally been spending 20 times the amount of these countries combined in black op and military R&D.

Ben Rich:
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Ben Rich quotes:

"The U. S. Air Force has just given us a contract to take E. T. back home."

"We also know how to travel to the stars."

"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

"If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that."

"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking
far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."

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Now let's talk scalar interferometry. This is when you pulse two longitudinal, (NOT TRANVERSE waves, as in normal EM waves, ex. microwaves, radio waves). You have a computer figure out a firing solution to what you want to target with a burst of energy. The beauty of these longitudinal waves is that they don't interact in 3D space-time until they intersect. A firing solution is computed, and this can be anywhere. The two waves are fired for different locations and aimed so they can intersect anywhere. In a fort, 5 miles down in a bunker. It doesn't matter. The two waves don't lose energy because they don't react with matter until they intersect. But once the two waves intersect they will literally fry something from the inside out.

This is 35 year old tech. The west would never show it's hand with the latest stuff. But the two explosions were demonstrations of S.I. tech on 'protected targets'. There was a 3rd demonstration on an underground Chinese bunker to drive the point home that wasn't reported in the news.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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