If you wanna win, you must not care about the opinions of White/Blue Knights, just as I don’t care about what society thinks about my marriage to a woman 20 years my senior. Hey, Prophet Muhammad married Khadija bint Khuwaylid even as she was 15 years his senior, and as I keep saying: Muhammad did nothing wrong – he was not wrong when he married Khadija and he was not wrong when he married Aisha. Point is: you really, really, really have to not give a flying fuck about what society tells you, and then your T-levels will rise and so will your sperm count. I promise you that. It’s all in your mind. I keep impregnating my wife because my mind is free of Puritan-Feminist virus. The feminization-cuckism-faggotism goes away once you get it through your head that your sexuality is natural and legitimate.