[I got to marry the person I love, and I don't see why someone else should be denied that right just because they have different taste in sexual relationships than I have.]
I love my computer, I could even use it as a sexual object given all the porn out there. I am not marrying it though.
Assuming that his relationship with his computer even remotely compares to a loving gay relationship is kinda fundie. Fundies are notorious for not grasping the importance and depth of gay relationships, and this guy definitely misses the point too.
That said, unless Richard sticks his pepe in his hard drive, the comparison doesn't make a damn bit of sense. Porn (more specifically, the women in porn) would be the sex objects. The computer is merely the medium to view the porn.
Wow. Mr. Lamb seems totaly incapable of differentiating between sexual attraction, love, affinity, fondness, and finding something interesting or entertaining. How sad for him.
Why do people confuse lust, love, and infatuation so much?
I have guy friends who I care about, who I love, and would want to be there for each other in case of need-like hospital visits-but I do not find them phsyically attractive or show any lust of infatuation towards them. Marriage is about love, not sex.
As soon as your computer is entitled, hell, capable of signing a legally binding contract, feel free.
So ... either you're another victim of the forced 'love' of your church and as such have no idea that love is anything more than a word used insincerely to convince others and yourself that you're following the rules or .... and I reeeally hope it's the former, you're in love with your computer ??? Hey man whatever floats your boat, just don't make me watch.
"I love my computer, I could even use it as a sexual object given all the porn out there"
You dirty bugger. But then all those viruses will infect you whilst you RAM in your Hard Drive, resulting in yours going all Floppy.
/Finbarr Saunders
You love your computer? That's pathetic.
You should just lead it along, get it to give you its all, and then swap the filthy bitch out for a newer model every two years.
Admittedly I do long for the retro types. It's been decades since I gave one a length up its LPT1.
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