Kung Pow Chicken #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Attention "skeptics": HR (bill) 2977 - Chemtrails are known/operational exotic weapons
"Fact: HR2977 introduced shortly after 9/11 listed "chemtrails" as "exotic weapons" to be banned. The bill was overturned.
Chemtrails are known exotic weapons and have been such since 2001.
Get with the times.
[link to thomas.loc.gov]"
I want to see the mental gymnastics skeptics do to "debunk" how a bill was introduced to Congress to ban "exotic" weapons, specifically "chemtrails", and how Congress overturned the bill, opening the door to application and use of said exotic weapons, specifically "chemtrails".
The gymnastics start now. Who wants to go first? (Pops corn, prepares for some laughs)
Look y'all the trapeze is open. I wanna see some tricks. Someone give me a "chemtrails don't exist you tard" argument in light of the above link.
C'mon monkeys, where y'all at. Chemtrails don't exist right? Introduced to Congress, HR2977, preservation of space bill, lists operational exotic weapons to be banned to ensure I suppose sterile warfare and the "peaceful" colonization of space. It lists exotic weapons. Notably it lists techtonic weapons, psychotronic weapons and scalar weapons. Basically revealing to idiot debunkers that no the military isn't trapped in the 1940s with WWII weapons. Nope. Instead the military has what some have been saying: exotic, space-age weapons, specifically CHEMTRAILS.
So let's go, up onto the trapeze you go debunker. Get some. I want to see some amazing mental aerials. Tell me chemtrails don't exist.
Worthless. You are worthless to humanity, debunkers. Got it? You carry water for idiots.
Ok so consider, new weapons, exotic weapons, space weapons: they all have to be tested, no?
Uh huh, they do.
So the US is bound by international law to test those weapons where? Where you idiot debunkers? Where oh where?
US weapons have to be tested in US territory. Duh!
Chemtrails are proven known exotic weapons that are constantly being tested in the US on US citizens, who are chatel to the USG, Inc. Period. Just like the US blew up unknown scores of nukes on its own lands and under its soil where the aquifer is. Just like every new plane and bomb has to be tested HERE. Chemtrails as known exotic weapons have to be tested here, on American soil, by law.
C'mon, who wants on the trapeze?