The “Poe’s Law in Action” Award
“Come on. Enemies, who would utterly annihilate America, they who’d obviously have information on plots, to carry out Jihad. Oh, but you can’t offend them, can’t make them feel uncomfortable, not even a smidgen,” she said. “Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists.”
And a major political party presented her as vice-president !
Who would blame people for viting Obama instead of McCain when they had her as potential president (see Tyler and Ford)?
I don't think showing to feel that Christian love by torture would get her the vote of the reasonable fringe of the GOP.
No-one expects the Palin Inquisition!
The scary thing is that she seems to seriously believe that being the only developed country to have a policy of openly torturing suspected criminals would be a vote-winner.
Feel that Christian love. These are also the same people who either downplay the Inquisition or claim that it didn't exist. Let alone completely ignore the fact that torture is not a useful technique for obtaining information.
The sad part is that when she said this at an NRA rally, everyone cheered.
"Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists."
You resigned as governor and didn't want to run for President. You obviously don't want to be in charge, so shut the fuck up.
"they who'd obviously have information on plots"
(*Presses Tannoy microphone button *)
Paging John Joseco...:
...will John Joseco please go to the Princess Molestia Memorial Veterinarian Ward, as a senile old cow is waiting. And please bring Canterlot Castle's royal bakers with you. /)^3^(\ X3
Hmm. I would say that a lifetime in ADX Florence might qualify as "uncomfortable."
@ JeanP
Ford wasn't such a bad President. At any rate, he was far less frightening that Nixon's chosen VP, Spiro Agnew. It was often said at the time that Nixon chose Agnew as a running mate in order to discourage would-be assassins - not such an idle threat in 1968.
If there was any doubt that Sarah Palin has made the switch from politician to inspirational speaker for the dismally ignorant, this quote killed it. It is safe to say that she will never, EVER be nominated or appointed to a position of real power again. Therefore she has nothing whatsoever to lose by appealing to the absolute worst in human nature.
I find this strangely comforting, you?
I'm not that worried that she said this, given that I've had canaries with more rational thoughts than her.
I'm not even that surprised that the NRA nuts cheered, given that you'd have to be either batshit crazy or suicidally masochistic to even want to hear her speeches in person.
No, what fucking terrifies me is how many people are defending her after the fact, or attacking anyone who calls her out on her crazy.
Just check our favorite hatemongers at WLD: they're even bashing other Christians for daring to disagree.
"Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we'd baptize terrorists."
And that is why the US public should know just how much you agree with the waterboarding that the Japanese military carried out against not just US POWs but any Allied POWs... and civilian prisoners too.
I don't know if Grant would have been happy to know members of the association he sponsored would have applauded to a speech condoning torture.
@Hasan Prichtina
In fact, I was speaking about how they became Presidents by succeding to the President as (Harrison; Tyler was refered to as "His Accidency") or his resignation (Nixon).
But Ford said once Eastern Europe wasn't under Soviet occupation.
And about VP Agnew, they said the same thing about Dan Quayle.
The good news on this one is that dumbfuck diarreadoll is finally getting some lashback from the Christian arena for this one. They've given her too much leeway over the nonsense for years just because she does the Godtalk so, eat it bitches.
Now YOU know why we said she's stupid.
Mindstaggerlingly stupid to compare those two things and, know what Sarah fans? She's been saying equally stupid shit for years and you've defended her for it cause she a "good Christian".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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