Why haven't we EVER seen a picture of Eclipses FROM SPACE?
I posted this thread saying space.. and it was CHANGED TO Moon? wtf.. these site really is controlled by shills
occur: it's as if they are SLIPPING a piece of something or projection on to the moon or sun for these eclipses.
For example during a so called solar eclipse (meaning during the day)... If something truly was about to pass in FRONT of the Sun... WE WOULD SEE IT Coming... Yet we only see alleged 'moon' ONLY when it starts flying right in front of the Sun..what they are doing is creating an ILLUSION somehow where they use projectors... It's as if something from Earth or the atmosphere is used to fly over and block the sun and moon.
The first pictures available for these fake eclipses start popping up in 1970.. Right after the fake Moon landings.. Since there is a Ice Firmament 100 miles above or so
..that cannot be crossed as stated in the Quran and Bible.
since I know and many know the Earth is flat and the Sun and Moon each have their own orbit and neither can catch up on one and other since one is for day and one for night..paraphrasing the Quran... And also in the Bible it mentions clearly that the Sun and Moon have orbits not Earth.
These eclipses work great with the Satanic Pagan Nasa new age model by basically trying to give God the middle finger... And to make fun of his great signs and creation.
In the Bible and Quran it mentions how the Sun and Moon are SIGNS from God...so why would God 'block' his OWN signs... Unless this is a VERY recent phoenomena..
All these silly colored eclipses like the blood Moons with the red coloring.. How silly...these Satan worshippers at Nasa and all over the world now.. At the UN just look at the flag for the UN it's FLAT... They all have been playing a big game with us... To basically drive us to hell with Satan.. And disconnect us from Allah/God... They will do anything.. Nothing is out of the question... Are indoctrination since we were born goes very DEEP and thus EVERYTHING we were taught MUST be questioned.
One of the biggest arguments these New World Order zombies state is that a lunar eclipse isn't possible in a Flat Earth Model... Well the Earth is fixed... And those two.. The sun and moon have Orbits... They had to invent these eclipses as another way of denying the flatness of Earth.
Water never curves on the horizon... Weather balloons sent up 50 miles even show a FLAT horizon...what your gut always told you since you were a kid has been right..Round Earther Satanists state that the Earth rotates at about 1,000mph on its axis... Or 16 miles a minute or about .27 miles a second.. So let's say someone jumped off a tree and it took 5 seconds to fall down to the ground... According to the round earth Satan model the person should be About 1.5 miles away!??
Yet they are not. ThThey always end up right where they started.
If a pickup truck is moving and you jump off of it you will fall... Also if a truck is going East and the Earth allegedly rotates East on its axis... Than when you jump up from a flat bed truck you should be ahead of the truck in the round earth model yet more than likely you will just end up falling off the truck.
sura 21, verse 33:
"(God is) the One Who created the night,and day, the sun and the moon. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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