David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A feminist has a manly look, a bossy look, an opinion, a take charge look, an attitude—acting like A MAN. The Word of God teaches that women are to maintain a “shamefaced” look (i.e., to be extremely modest, without opinion, quiet, and a follower) ... “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness...” (1st Timothy 2:9). I can hear some feminist rebel right now scoffing, “You mean women can't have an opinion?” No, the Bible says you cannot—not when it pertains to men's matters, a man's authority in the home, or the business of the church.

A godly woman obeys her husband (Titus 2:5), she remains quiet in the church's business (1st Corinthians 14:34), she asks questions to her husband at home (1st Corinthians 14:35). In sharp contrast to God's way, today's American feminist has a defiant attitude against authority—she wants a say in everything, sasses her husband and pastor, and meddles in things she ought not. It is a horrible sin! Women who pursue careers over marriage and motherhood are blaspheming the Word of God.

Now, I'm not endorsing Islam, but concerning women, the Arab culture comes much closer to being right than the American feminist culture of bossy wives, women preachers and career women. Rebellious Americans consider a woman being required to dresses modestly a form of oppression. Albeit, the American lewd and nude culture has inspired generations of sexual immorality, abortion and homosexuality.

Arab women are required (it's not an option) to obey their husbands and remain silent. I love that. Call me what you want... the Word of God proclaims A MAN as the head of his home, A MAN as the pastor of the church, and A MAN as a preacher of God's Word. America's women are out of control—which is clearly seen in the abortion rate, the divorce rate, pornography, et cetera. The Word of God teaches that women are to remain SILENT in the churches.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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