Evolutionists, particularly the ones in this forum, are among the most close-minded, biased people I've ever heard of... Also, Kent Hovind IS a doctor. All the bogus riff-raff about Kent Hovind's degree is just a back-and-forth rumor between the evolutionists.
Yes, looking at data and changing theories - what kind of close minded bastards ARE these?
Also, he is a doctor - I mean, look, it has Dr. in front of his name! How can the evilutionists argue against that?!1?!11kjsdskjbiblesds
Evolutionists as you call them, unlike religious people, believe something based on facts and change what they believe when new facts arrive that conflict their previous idea.
With religion, its just "God did it, I don't want to hear why I am wrong"
O RLY? If Kent Hovind is a real doctor then I'm a real princess!
Edit: Well, he's a contender for a Doctorate in Fraud.
A Doctor could get a real degree, then get hit across the temples with a...shovel, tire iron, sledge hammer or all previous items at once and then say something as stupid as Hovind does. But..
He has a fake doctorate and should be charged for impersonating an intelligent person
Anyone with a real degree - never mind a PhD - has a real thesis that you can read on request. Hovind does not, because Patriot University is a house in the desert.
Even if he did, it would be in Bible studies, not Biology.
"Kent Hovind IS a doctor. All the bogus riff-raff about Kent Hovind's degree is just a back-and-forth rumor between the evolutionists."
Ah, yes. Kent 'Oh, Mark 12:17 doesn't apply to me!' Hovind, currently doing a ten-stretch in jail, all the while his cellmate Bubba stretches ol' Kentypoos' arsehole.
"Evolutionists, particularly the ones in this forum, are among the most close-minded, biased people I've ever heard of..."
...such as Richard Dawkins, who pays his taxes, and is as free as a bird, anus (and HIV-status) intact.
Cry more, Boohoocruise.
Kent Hovinds PhD degree was issued by a then unaccreddited school.
His thesis is rumoured to begin "Hi, I am Kent Hovind". This is not considered a proper beginning for such material.
He has a degree in Bible Education but seems to leave off the Bible part which is a bit misleading.
Mr Hovind could resolve the entire issue by releasing his PhD material himself , since the school claims not to have a copy, also at varience with most Universities.
I am somewhat close-minded and biased when it comes to science and education. Try me on wild monkey sex and you will find a vey open mind.
Sure, and I am a professor of astrophysics as well as a cordon blu chef, a world class athlete, and a candidate for the first manned mission to Saturn.
It's easy to make shit up, isn't it? You lot would know, you've been doing it for millennia.
Kent Hovind has a PhD in Bible education from an unacredited school. He regularly omits the bible part, claiming a PhD in education (which is untrue).
The school may be accredited now but that does not change Hovinds PhD. The school also does not handle dissertations in the manner expected of an accredited school, namely keeping every dissertation on file in the schools library for others to9 use in research.
There is also some question about the quality of his work and if it meetes the usual standard of contributing something new to the field.
the rumored start of his paper, "Hi I am Kent Hovind..." is not considered appropriate for a PhD dissertation.
He is now in prison.
“Evolutionists, particularly the ones in this forum, are among the most close-minded, biased people I've ever heard of...”
I’m guessing no one accepts your self-serving arguments for a young-earth when you share them? I’m guessing your arguments are completely free of supporting evidence and you think only the biased would reject them?
Yeah. Seen that before. You apparently couldn’t prove your way out of a wet paper sack, but blame your audience for having (checks notes) ‘Standards.’
“Also, Kent Hovind IS a doctor.”
So, the Earth’s rotation is slowing. Days are getting longer. This is a fact that is accepted by anyone who knows about it.
Hovind claimed that he wouldn’t be surprised if Adam had lived in days that were an hour or more shorter than today.
Since he’s such a jackass, i felt moved to actually calculate it Given the current rate of slowing, and applying that to the lenght of the day six thousand years ago, the difference is…
A skootch over one fucking second.
If you traveled in time, it would take two months for your watch to be a minute off.
Your DOCTOR couldn’t be bothered to rough out the math before making himself look pretty ignorant.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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