tillman7 #fundie city-data.com

(Someone mentioned that there is no proof that the Bible is the word of God.)

The same could be said about this doctrine written by atheist which has no consistency at all. Do we come from monkeys, a Big Bang or monkeys mating with fish which is it? If we evolve from apes how is it that some apes missed out on this opportunity. Did they opted out on this and decided to stay in the jungle? And why are we not evolving now. By now we should have wings or something or did Evolution have a cut off. Maybe my faith in God must have blinded me. I will visit the zoo today and gain wisdom from the apes there have to be an answer in the poop they fling at each other.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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