Originally Posted by lookup
<Yes, and a president who professes faith in Christ and acknowledges that he prays is considered dumb.>
MythBuster: "Bush's problem is that he doesn't know how to communicate well. He's a genious, but people don't take notice because he isn't lucid."
I wouldn't say "genious" (or even "genius"). More like genus, as he hasn't quite made it to h. sapiens sapiens. Well, give it time, apparently the fundie definition of evolution will have him randomly mutating into a Twix bar anyday now.
I've checked in from time to time since 2001, hoping to find some spark of wit, or social grace, or ethics, or accountability from the idiot prince's spew.
Nothing yet.
"He's a geni[o]us...he isn't lucid."
My word, Myth Buster, you've been infected by the Bushyitis!
I say it is fundie. The kind of person who has faith, seven years after W came to the national stage, that he is a genius, believes hard.
It's just not fundie Christian, is all.
Adam: Well, we've run various experiments on brain waves, conventional IQ tests and the obligatory explosion, what have we learned?
Jamie: The president's mind seems to be not working. Even a dog is smarter than him.
Adam: So its busted.
Jamie: Absolutely busted. Maybe impeachment isn't a bad idea after all.
Adam: I'll go alert the Discovery Channel webmaster over the flood of spam from fundies then.
The man is actually smart. He just wants you to think hes dumb. Just like the war in Iraq is not going so well. Maybe to the untrained eye. But it was actually executed flawlessly. We now have a base of operations from which to launch an attack on Iran. Heres what will happen in the next year. A covert government organization will engineer a terror attack on US soil, likely right before the elections, and blame the attack on Iran (Google False Flag Operation). Bush will declare a state of emergency, which legally STRIPS the congress of its power and places the government in the hands of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). At that point he'll then invade Iran, declare martial law, and anyone who protests will be declared an enemy combatant and placed in one of the VARIOUS LARGE SCALE CONCENTRATION CAMPS on our soil, which have been rigourously built the last 10 years (Google FEMA Camps). The man is perfectly lucid, and carries out the agenda of the evil global elite. Its the public thats been brainwashed by FOX and the other mainstream news organizations (Google Rupert Murdoch). Bush is perfectly lucid. Make no mistake there is a war going on. Its not a war on terrorists. Its a war on your minds.
Doesn't know how to communicate: True
Is a genious(sic): False
Isn't lucid: True
Well, two out of three ain't bad.
Well, he's certainly not lucid, that's for sure.
That's what happens when you spend half your life binging on alcohol and cocaine.
I mean, the man can barely form a sentence anymore!
(At this point, I urge the readers to check out a copy of the book "Am-Bushed," if you want a good laugh.)
My favorite part of David Letterman is Great moments in presidential speeches, taht segment along with this website fstdt has caused me to want to live for only myself, humanity is already lost.
And there's a part in Transformers that sums up my thoughts of Bush pretty well.
This is a man who can't even pronounce "nuclear" and had a "C" average in college.
If George is a genius, I'm God.
But no, not a fundie here, just an idiot.
Bush is possibly a 'genious,' though the alleged IQ of 123 I've heard is not enough to qualify for genius.
I don't think I count as a genius and I'm 20 points smarter than that (and if Bush had an IQ of 123, he wouldn't talk like Forrest Gump)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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