Why are devotees to atheist darwinism so fearful of the facts if those facts are not under the strict control and guidance of darwinism's high priests??
What incorrect assumption are you making?
I'll give you a hint:
Why are devotees to mythological creationism so fearful of the facts if those facts are not under the strict control and guidance of fundamentalism's high priests??
Ah, the old "evolution is a religion" canard.
How boring. Don't you idiots have anything else by now?
Darwinism is not atheist in and of itself.
Believers in evolution (not "devotees to Darwinism") do not fear facts. In fact, as scientific and open-minded people they tend to welcome them.
Atheists, almost by definition, do not have high priests.
If someone WAS in charge of belief in evolution, they would not "control" the facts.
Is this guy trying to make sure every word he speaks is factually incorrect?
1. There is no such thing as darwinism. It is not a religion. It has no priests, high or low.
2. Charles Darwin was not an atheist.
3. All the 'facts' support the theory of evolution.
4. One is a devotee 'of' something, not 'to' it.
5. Bob Ryan would not know a fact even if it came up and bit him on the arse.
6. Ryan's question does not make any sense at all.
Darwinism doesn't have high priests. It is not a religion.
Try something new, please. But, read a book first.
Just because you keep calling it Darwinism, and just because you idiots keep calling it a religion does NOT make it true. Of course, seeing as your entire religion is based upon how many people you can get to simultaneously babble the same rubbish and use that as proof of its veracity, I shouldn't be suprised...
Wow, that is stupid on a grand scale. Never once when I studied evolution did I need a Darwin high priest to interpret it for me. Unlike when you have to run to one of yours everytime you crack a Bible.
BTW, nice subtle attempt to equate evolution with Paganism. Now please go back to sticking your head in the sand.
Why can't creationists understand that
- There's no such thing as darwinism
- The ToE is not a religion, if new discoveries are made, then things are adjusted
- There are no 'high preists'
- Nobody is controlling or guiding the ToE
No, it's just that people who see science as more than witchcraft and voodoo get kinda pissy when all the work they put into their theories is shuffled aside because "THAH BAH-BULL" says otherwise, and as such, should be taught, regardless of what the evidence points to.
Naturally, though, if someone so much as BREATHES the word "evolution" in a Sunday school class, they are tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail...funny, that.
1) You obviously accept the mad ramblings of Hovind or Ham as "facts".
2)We're not "fearful" of them, they're just not facts.
3) Like most Christians you think religious concepts have to be accepted without scrutiny, without evidence and stand as unquestionable.
The movie Expelled carried this theme. This is the Wedge Document brainwashing. They've fed it to their flock for years and many of them think this way now, to the point of projecting their own "high priests" system to science or academia.
I find it ironic (or stupid)that they often demean things by comparing it to their own church system
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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