I think you people don't know the meaning of the work hate. Otherwise, you would not use it for this argument against prop 8. Its obvious that the prop 8 opponents hate God. Now, who is the hypocrite?
So if there was a Prop 9 banning the sale of shellfish, the Mormons would be out lobbying to support that, too, and opponents would also hate God? After all, He says that's an abomination, too.
So you can't hate someone who allows such evils as homophobia, death, war and racism, but you can hate people that have done nothing to you? FEEL THE FUNDIE LOVE! FEEL IT OR BE DAMNED TO HELL!!!!!
Even though I could never have voted (against prop 8), It's not because I hate god. I just loathe people who think they have the right to say "because you enjoy sticking your genitalia into a person of the same genders digestive track, you don't deserve the basic rights that a married couple should have."
Yes, it's obvious that opponents of Prop 8 hate God, just as surely as the abolitionists hated Him, and just as surely as the colonists who rebelled against a Christian king with the title "Defender of the Faith" hated Him.
Don't be stupid, I don't hate God, I hate your belief in something that is a work of fiction and how it affects your thinking, stupid.
Well logically, if God is a beer that's been left on the porch overnight, and prop 8 opponents are me and my friends, you may be right.
As I have stated numerous times before, this is how you can tell if it's bigotry.
If It helps no one
It solves no problem
But it does cause harm to a particular group of people.
and LOTS of people are driven to support it.
While it's hard to judge the harm caused to a being that it's worshippers can't even prove exists, none the less gay marriage had no negative effect on churches.
Outlawing gay marriage will not stop a single divorce or otherwise save even one hetero marriage.
But it will make life harder for gay people in committed relationships and thier children.
And it's supporters spent millions to make it happen.
How can we think it was anything but hate?
Atheists don't tend to hate people, we usually are stuck at frustration, exasperation and pity.
And Prop 8 is just bigotry. Since when is not allowing bigotry a form of hate?
"I think you people don't know the meaning of the work hate. ..."
So you've made hate your life's work? Funny, judging by your screen name, lamajanitor01, I thought your chief occupation was picking up the poop of long-haired, South American pack animals.
"I think you people don't know the meaning of the work hate"
Ejukayshun. Doo yu haz itt?
And notice this isn't your usual typo, either? (guilty as charged, m;lud!) Not exactly a slip of the finger on the keyboard - more like a Freudian slip. Because fundies certainly work hatred into their thinking. So much for 'Love your neighbour as you would love yourself'.
Now who's the hypocrite?
What about gay Christians? Do they hate God too? What about liberal Christians such as myself who support gay rights and equality? Who believe that it is horrible for people to use God's name to justify their own depraved intolerance and bigotry? Do we hate God, too, because we support love and acceptance and diversity and equality, which are all things that God supposedly hates? Funny how God hates the same things that you do. You are the hypocrite and so are all of your fundie brethren.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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