Stephanie & Michael Relfe #conspiracy
This is the most important article you will ever read. The alien ships are coming and when they do, you must not get on, no matter what, no matter how great their technology is, no matter how beautiful they are, no matter what they say or what they offer you, because if you do they will eat you and harvest you for raw materials that help them to live hundreds more years.
That will be after they have tortured you. They are coming to harvest humans, for profit.
They especially want children; as of 2016 they have actually admitted that serum from young people reverses the aging process.
To make sure you don’t go on the ship, it is vital that you get rid of all wireless and your cell phone (here’s how and why). If you won’t do that, at least wrap your cell phones in metal and store them away, immediately you hear that the ships have come out in the open. Technology has been put in the phones to transmit frequencies which interact with the brain to give it orders.
We are deadly serious about this. Many people will laugh at this – until it happens. We have decided to face public ridicule because the importance of warning people of the plan to trap them is so great.
The above video tells you what is coming. They did that because there is a legal spiritual law that the evil ones keep to – They have to tell us what they intend, before they do it. Evidence that this is true is the many, many instances of the public being shown what was intended for 911 before it happened. See pictures here.
Many celebrities and important people will help the aliens to herd millions of people onto the ships. Don’t fall for the scam.
While most people still struggle with wondering if aliens are real, Michael and I have known from our own experience for years that they absolutely are real, and much more varied and evil than is generally thought. Our research is unique because we have used the biofeedback meter in addition to muscle testing. This cuts through the mind control of the aliens.
Because of our research, we moved on from wondering if aliens are real or not, to studying them. One should only take advice from someone who has direct experience with something, and we believe we have earned that right, by studying aliens since at least 2000, through our association with a wide range of people who contacted us via our website. Most of these people were intelligent, professional and did not take alcohol or drugs.
We have gained unique knowledge about aliens from our own experiences, doing clearing sessions on numerous other people, and by conversations with these many very interesting and highly intelligent people all over the world.
We are not saying that all aliens are bad. Good ones do exist, but the ones that come in the ships to ‘save’ you and who get the approval of the government and celebrities will be lying and evil beyond imagination.
Yes, there are good extraterrestrials out there, but if they decide to rescue you, they do not need your permission to do so. Good extraterrestrials will transport you aboard as quickly as a ship’s crew would rescue a drowning man. Their technology is much better than that of the evil ones. Only the evil ones will want you to agree to come aboard.
If good extraterrestrials had wanted to save you, they would have given you years to learn about them so you can decide if you trust them or not. The ones that are coming are going to be as trustworthy as a used car salesman with a “Hurry – last one in stock!” sale. They will give people almost no time to think, let alone find out if they can trust them or not.
Trust only those who have kept all their agreements with you, and with whom you have had many agreements in the past, as a test.
Do not visit the ships. Do not go for a tour. Do not go on board for any reason. Stay totally in your home (“A man’s home is his castle”).
When the ships come out in the open, do not go aboard. Do not get harvested. Do not get tortured. Do not get eaten. Don’t give them your DNA, hormones and children. It is possible that they won’t turn up until catastrophic events happen on earth.
No matter how bad things get here on earth, there are worse things than death. Everyone dies, everyone leaves their body, but you don’t want to die in excruciating pain and while suffering the emotional turmoil of knowing you will be eaten and cut up for your meat, hormones, DNA and raw materials for life extension. For example, there are at least 70 hormones in the body, and science does not fully understand what they are capable of. (eg They only recently discovered leptin, the most important one of all!)
Learn how you don’t ‘die’ when you leave your body, because you are an immortal spirit, by reading stories of Near Death Experiences.
People who have officially died said when they left their body and became a spirit only, they looked the same, only they were able to pass through objects, and they felt absolutely wonderful! (Except when they committed suicide, when they felt even worse than when they were alive). Most near death experiencers did not want to come back to their body.
Besides, we are coming to believe that the apparent earth changes have been engineered by advanced technology, and would not normally happen at this time. Once all the evil people, perverts and morons leave earth, this place will be extremely wonderful (See Dream #3 below).
Start thinking about how and where you would like to live if earth were perfect, and no one had to do meaningless work for a living, but instead worked to serve the people of earth and to give meaning and purpose to life.
We believe that when the alien ships come to pretend to save people, no one will be forced aboard, with one proviso: It’s possible that having an EBT (food stamps) card, and taking free food and water from Walmart etc., will count as legal permission to take you. That is why it is so important to have food and water stored so you absolutely can stay away from large buildings after the aliens show themselves.
It’s very possible that this event will happen directly after something stops supplies of food and water.
We believe, and hope we are right, that the evil aliens who will come out in the open with the blessing of the government, military and celebrities will want you to come aboard willingly. We do not know the reasons for this, but one reason is that there is some kind of legal rule they have to follow. We are in a spiritual battle, and there are rules like a chess game. Sometimes even when the heavenly side wants to help people they can’t.
It’s quite possible that when you are passive, they consider that as permission. Them taking you to “save” you is just an excuse. To save you they’re not bound by a law to ask. If their intentions were good, they’d take you to safety just as a rescuer saves a drowning victim. They wouldn’t ask. The fact is, if the aliens wanted to take you to save you, they could. But that’s not what they want, so they need to coax you to go with them.
They can lie to you all they want. All it takes is for you to agree to go. Or rather, to not object. That’s more accurate. So, object to going.
The correct way to phrase it is “I decline your offer to contract.” This is because all governments and organizations are corporations, and everything is done by contract, just like in Jupiter Ascending where it was all about law and profit.
This is a huge subject. Unknown to most people, we are currently under Admiralty Law in a Military Dictatorship, under National Emergency. If you wish to look into this further, please read all 100 articles on this website at, (by a former judge) and then you will know more about this than 98% of the so-called Patriot movement. Most of the information out there on this subject is either incomplete, lightweight or wrong, and can get you killed in the wrong situation.
If you fail to say, “I decline your offer to contract” your silence may be considered as permission.
Another reason for tricking people to come onto the ships will be that when a human realizes they have been tricked aboard and will be eaten, they get overwhelmed and release extra hormones which makes them even more delicious to the aliens.
Yet another reason will be that they will be more successful in herding hundreds of millions of people onto the ships, if they entice them in with bait, rather than herd them in by force.
I hope that we are right when we say ‘no one will be forced aboard’. However, we believe that the temptation for most people on earth, especially young people, will be great. Free food and water and wonderful opportunities will likely be offered as bait. It is possible that catastrophic earth changes may hasten the desire of people to go aboard. This is why it is crucial that you store at least four weeks’ food, water, cash and supplies right now, and assume that electricity will not be working.
We believe that the main way that the aliens will coerce people to go aboard the ships will be through cell phones, especially smart phones and also smart TVs. They will put out frequencies which affect the brain.
It is almost guaranteed that instructions of where to go ‘in the case of an emergency’ will be given through cell phones. This is why the government has been so eager to give cell phones to starving people in Africa, and homeless people in America. Please get rid of all smart phones and smart TVs now.
We got this realization from various sources including reports that chemtrails have been used to infect people with certain metals and nanotechnology, with the goal that at some time in the future, a signal will go out from the cell towers, to make the nanotechnology take over people’s brains.
Please read: Chemtrails, Wireless and You