Obama is the Anti-Christ
He is uniting people behind a false image of hope. He is an expert orator who says he will solve problems but he doesn't tell us how.
He is a Judas Goat that speaks against the war in Iraq and Iran yet recommends the invasion of Pakistan.
He will run with Hilary the Great Whore upon his back as his partner.
He will speak peace, but their will be no peace.
The people on the ships will sit on the ocean and witness the middle-east burn.
A great earth-quake will strike Jerusalem destroying the Dome of the Rock. Israel will try to rebuild the Temple. Syria, Jordan, Saudi-Arabia and Kuwait and the other countries of the Middle-east will attack Israel.
All Armeggedon will break loose.
I suggest the following motto for Obama.
A vote for Obama will be a vote for the Second Coming of Christ!
"He is uniting people behind a false image of hope. He is an expert orator who says he will solve problems but he doesn't tell us how."
Well, gosh, how often does any other American politician do that?
Geez louise, if you don't like the guy, don't vote for him! There's little to be gained by trying to paint him into your sad little fables as the bad guy, except to make yourself look like a loon!
I mean, I'm not that fond of the Spice Girls, but I don't go around making out that they're the 'four horsemen of the apocalypse plus one', do I?
Wait, yes I do, Damn! Curse you, you win this round, Jael!
You forgot that he has x-ray vision, can control your mind and shoot fireballs out his ass!
Do you call yourself 'jael' because you cannot spell 'JACKASS'?
@ David B
I mean, I'm not that fond of the Spice Girls, but I don't go around making out that they're the 'four horsemen of the apocalypse plus one',
Well, Victoria Beckham would make a convincing 'Famine' (if not for her implants).
"A vote for Obama will be a vote for the Second Coming of Christ!"
Isn't the Second Coming just what you goofy bastards want? I guess I should congratulate Obama then. Seems he's going to win by a landslide.
Wait...Obama...and Hilary...PARTNERS?
Not only is jael batshit insane, but he lacks a basic understanding of American politics. Cluestick: They're COMPETITORS, jael.
And I'm still not sure what the American President has to do with "a great earth-quake" "destroying the Dome of the Rock." What, will people feel a rumble a year from now and be all, "Shit, I knew I should have voted for Giuliani!"
And the moon will turn blue and tremble in the sky.
The vast seas will churn and smell vaguely of vanilla.
A centenarian Hitler will be discovered in Paraguay, planning world conquest; his poltical slogan: "No more Mister Nice Guy."
And somewhere in one of the more benighted areas of our great country, a fundy will say something that almost makes sense.
Damn, Doctor Fishcake got there before me.
Jael really needs to talk to the RR crowd. I though those guys were dying for the return of Jebus?
Oh, I've been waiting for this. RR, please never change, you bring me endless mirth. How funny would it be for these morons to vote Obama thinking it will bring about Armageddon and then, nothing happens!
Seven years too late:
Bush is the Anti-Christ.
He is uniting people behind a false image of hope. He is an expert orator who says he will solve problems but he doesn't tell us how.
He is a Judas Goat that speaks for the war in Iraq and Iran yet recommends against the invasion of Pakistan.
He runs with Condoleezza the Great Whore upon his back as his partner.
He will speak peace, but their will be no peace.
The people on the ships will sit on the ocean and witness the middle-east burn.
A great earth-quake will strike Jerusalem destroying the Dome of the Rock. Israel will try to rebuild the Temple. Syria, Jordan, Saudi-Arabia and Kuwait and the other countries of the Middle-east will attack Israel.
All Armeggedon will break loose.
I suggest the following motto for Bush.
A vote for Bush will be a vote for the Second Coming of Christ!
A vote for Obama will be a vote for the Second Coming of Christ!
Gee, I guess he's the fundie choice then!
Hillary the Great Whore upon his back? The last thing Obama probably wants on his back IS Hillary.
Wow, talk about a waste of internet space.
Well I guess this means he's getting the fundi vote!
With the fundi's wanting him to bring the end times, he's got it in the bag now!
The great whore a woman who has been cuckoled and is, nevertheless, besides her husband(the perfect stepford wife, apparently)?. As people say in Spanish "además de cornudo, apaleado"(She's cheated on, and now beaten, no pun intended)
I'm sick and tired of all the defamation directed at Obama from extremists. The events described in the nonsense book called "Revelation" will never happen and there will be no second coming of Christ because there was no first coming (the early Christians forged a passage into Josephus which is the only secular reference to Jesus and when informed that they had the story of Jesus was similar to those of many Pagan gods, their response was that Satan did it).
He is uniting people behind a false image of hope. He is an expert orator who says he will solve problems but he doesn't tell us how... He will speak peace, but their will be no peace...
Don't most politicians do this?
These end-times fantasies -- they are seldom very original. It's pretty sad.
(Also, Ya'el is a name from the Book of Judges, IIRC -- she was the one who finished Barak's job for him in the story of Deborah and Barak, killing the commander of the Hazorite army. Apparently the name refers to a species of ibex. Jael is also one of the numerous hotties on Current TV -- the Colombian one.)
Since when was Hilary the "Great Whore?" She wasn't the unfaithful one, you know...
This may be news to you, but faithlessness and whorishness are not the same thing.
"I agree with the whole "Great Whore" reference, but the other shit...not so much."
I'm not particularly fond of Hillary Clinton, but what exactly makes her a whore?
I just don't get it. Isn't the Second Coming of Christ supposed to be a good thing for the fundies. Isn't that when they get Raptured and the rest of us evil ass gay, muslim, evilutionist, atheists get thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever? Is she for Obama or not?
"This may be news to you, but faithlessness and whorishness are not the same thing."
Actually, they are. Both are great fun.
A centenarian Hitler will be discovered in Paraguay, planning world conquest; his poltical slogan: "No more Mister Nice Guy."
Fundies, always looking for the devil, immediately think this is Alice Cooper, until someone points out that Alice Cooper sings much better than Adolf Hitler.
Well, that's done it for me. It'll piss off the fundies for who knows what reason, so I'll vote for Obama.
"He will speak peace, but their will be no peace."
ALIEN VOICE: "Peace? No peace."
PRESIDENT: "What is it that you want us to do?"
ALIEN VOICE: "Die ... die ..."
Nuke 'em. Nuke the bastards."
Damn it. Beat me to it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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