scarlets79 #fundie

Evolution: Doctrine of death
As we’ve discussed previously, evolution is a foundation for the humanist/atheist religions.
The Christian worldview presents a doctrine of life, with death an unwelcome intrusion due to sin. Death will be with us from Adam’s sin until the Day of Judgement.

The atheist/humanist/heathen/materialist worldview, based on evolution theories, present a doctrine of eternal death. Death always has been, is, and always will be. Death is part of the mechanism of creation via evolution. Death of the unborn is considered a positive thing for society. The tragedy for the atheist worldview is that it is a doctrine of death but with no explanation for death. This doctrine has been confirmed as doctrine of death by the blood of 150,000,000 people who have died due to atheist governments in the failed atheist 20th century. Death, death, death.

Doctrine of life offers life for eternity.
Doctrine of death offers hell for eternity.
You choose your destiny. No appeals. Blaming others won’t wash. Blaming scientific ideas won’t wash. The only thing that washes the sins away is the precious blood of Jesus Christ.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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