So what creationists know but many people who call themselves scienctists don't know is:
1) That the earth was created out of water
I can't decide if Carico is the ultimate attention-whore, so desperate to be heard she deliberately spouts the most arrant nonsense, or actually has some sort of debilitating mental ailment that makes it impossible for her to make contact with reality at all...
It's rather sad, whatever the reason.
Yeah, I thought so, too, Carico. But this ain't no old post, it is fresh out of the printing press. So, maybe CARM lost too much of it's audience, and they decided to beg her to come back. You know, a dedicated troll to argue against.
On Topic: It's Carico (sigh). She is smarter than any scientist out there!
Um no, Silicon (Si), Calcium(Ca) and Aluminium(Al) make up most of the earth's crust. Hard to get those out of H2O isn't it. Though lies are made out of Bull(B) and Shit(S) and this post is pure BS.
Damn, Gadren beat me to it.
Thales said something like this around 600 BC. But he didn't know about elements, so he can be excused. Carico, on the other hand, has no such excuse.
I'm a anthropology major, with a concentration in religion - Judeo-Christian religion to be even more specific, and I'd like to point this little-know fact out real quick, the exact quote from the KJV of the Bible is:
"[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
[2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
The phrase "the deep" is translated from the word "tehom" a bastardization of the name Tiamet, the Assyro-Babylonian goddess of the sea, and her husband the god of the waters. Their children were the winds and the eventually the earth.
These passages also say that there WAS something there before God created everything - the deep, water. All it says is that God created the stars in the sky and the land we walk on.
I always think this is an interesting little fact and I wanted to share it with you. :)
Who calls themselves "scienctists" anyway?
Nobody who actually is a scientist would claim that the earth was created out of water, no matter how many creationists think so.
Incidentally it's believed life originates from the water.
More poetically, the Bible seems to imply the water existed before, or at least at the same time as god. Mythologically one could say water existed before god, it had always been, and god used it to create all things. I find that idea beautiful.
Of course it would be called blasphemy by people who actually believe in this stuff.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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