Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Zika Virus and Gun Control Program

The Zika virus serves a dual purpose.

First it's a depopulation program. If you don't want to birth "Zippy the Pinhead" you better stop having babies. This program will be more effective in the educated first world nations so the population will quickly become sheep.

Second it's a gun control program. The government will start testing for households that suffer from depression and limit their ability to own guns. What better way to depress women than to scare them into abstinence to avoid unwanted pregnancies with birth defects. Needless to say their husbands will suffer depression and increased anger issues. Guns in these households will definitely be a no-no.

We have to award the "black actor" Oscar to our Commander-N-chief for the role he has played in all this.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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