If they teach you doctrines that are in any way contrary to the Word of God, even though it may seem that they have Scripture supporting their position, then be warned. I can twist Scripture to support abortion, sodomites and many other things.
If they teach you doctrines that are in any way contrary to the Word of God, even though it may seem that they have Scripture supporting their position
I thought Scripture WAS the word of God. Now I'm so confused.
really, randy-as-a-goat? you can twist your wholly babble to support anything? even your apparent "thing" for young girls and teenage sex?
the babble can be twisted to support any number of unsavoury things--racism, sexism, homophobia, slavery... your babble is a load of rubbish and old superstitions.
"more honest than he intended" award N-thed.
And your stupid courtship, woman submission, anti-gay bashing............in that aspect, I give you right, depending on the point of view, you can justify anything using the Scriptures.
Yes, you've certainly proven that you can twist Scripture to support your personal ideas, Bro. Randy, as you've been doing that a lot lately.
More Honest Then He Intended To Be Award Nthed again.
Bro. Randy: it's called "exegesis" and "hermeneutics" and intelligent Christians (what few there seem to be left) spend years learning Hebrew and Greek to find out what "the plain meaning" of Scripture actually is.
Of course, some people get their degrees from an accredited seminary and some people get their degrees from the Universal Fellowship Church online; and I think we all know where you got your degree.
This reminds me rather a lot of Cotton Mather's blather during the Salem Witch Trials about the devil masquerading as an "Angel of Light", which fanned the flames on what was already a horrifying miscarriage of justice -- basically any position you might argue can be dismissed by a simple handwave. (I hear Benny Hinn does this quite a bit in his sermons, actually.)
For what it's worth, Salem, MA never quite recovered -- it's a weird nexus of New Age shops (particularly around Pickering Wharf) and just happens to put on one hell of a Halloween party. And the funny thing is, the whole thing happened in Danvers, which I believe stopped being a part of Salem before the Revolutionary War...
Gee, so we have the Scriptures, and then we have the Word of God, and verily, they can disagree with each other. I wonder how does BroRandy accesses the Word of God - I mean, apart from Teh Voices ...
Amazing, considering how it is actually comprised of 66 different books written by many people, mostly anymous, in at least 3 different languages, over hundreds of years.
Wait, your point was to prove that it actually IS written by God?
that one 'atm' guy that got banned from t4c said that you can't take the bible literally because no one understands it fully. brother randy replied to him by saying that sinners can't understand the bible and it was a simple document to read and interpret if you were holy enough. and then he said this, that he could twist the words any way he wants. hypocrite? nooooo....
Of course, some people get their degrees from an accredited seminary and some people get their degrees from the Universal Fellowship Church online; and I think we all know where you got your degree.
Yes, he got his degree from the thermometer. ;)
Yay! My award is approved! My day is made at Randy's expense! Now to go win the lottery.......
Wish I could take credit for the pictures, but it's just something I saved from a post here, about 2-3 months ago ^^
One thing we need to recognize: for a moronic tub of lard, Randy has to be quite limber, seeing how he manages to type with both feet firmly lodged in his maw ^^
A common justification is that those who have the Holy Ghost/Spirit direction are inspired on how to interpret, just like the authors were supposedly inspired. However, that's like, the claim that God chose you and speaks to you, which is like divination, or psychosis, or just a dream, or... lies. As others noted anyone can quote mine and twist, just like people have been doing for a long time for manipulation. And there's a lot of evidence that the traditional authorship claims were also wrong. The spiritualist movement also produced a number of supposed "channeled" writings, that analysis shows to be scams, human fantasy and cultural adaptation of older concepts. Smith's Book of Mormon was a similar scam. Finally, the Biblical canon is a compilation, and a number of books are also known to have been compilations. A particular verse claims that all of it is inspired, but if so, it just means that all human thought is "inspired" and that political propaganda also is, like power justification pseudogenealogies, song compilations as well, etc. Because that's in the Bible too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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