["Kansas Republicans and Democrats Give Trump the Bipartisan Finger, Finally Accept Medicaid Expansion"]
Does this mean that lives in Kansas will be saved for having medical care available through the Obamacare Medicaid expansion?
Now, normally, I would like to think that LIVES SAVED is a good thing. But here, we are talking about KANSAS lives saved. Which likely means, saving the lives of Trump supporters.
And that’s my dilemma. Why should I be willing to spend my tax dollars savings the lives of Trump supporters?
So, Kansas' elected representatives show some integrity and backbone, and you're upset because the people who elected them aren't dying? You make no sense whatsoever.
And NeoMatrix continues to act like the token evil party member in an RPG, I see.
Does this mean that lives in Kansas will be saved for having medical care available through the Obamacare Medicaid expansion?
Now, normally, I would like to think that LIVES SAVED is a good thing. But here, we are talking about KANSAS lives saved. Which likely means, saving the lives of Trump supporters.
What is wrong with that. They're human like everyone else.
And that’s my dilemma. Why should I be willing to spend my tax dollars savings the lives of Trump supporters?
Because under Trumpcare, only those who are not poor will be able to afford healthcare. This way, you don't suffer too.
Saving their lives is a good thing. But watch the total lack of recognition of the fact that their lives were saved by Obamacare. The minute they wake up from the anesthesia, they go right back to hating the programs that paid for them to get it. And voting to cancel those programs.
Not to mention, acting like the people who actually vote, and disproportionately pay for, their modern standard of living are godless and evil.
I'm on team Demon Duck of Doom & Psalmanazaar. I despise Stormtrumpers with every fiber of my being, & I do like the idea of them reaping what they've sown, I can't quite bring myself to wish death upon them. I do not, however, have one shred of sympathy for them. I think of it more as apathy, as opposed to active evil.
I think all Americans are looking at this struggle wrong. Trump should focus on improving the ACA or another version of it, and he should also focus on taking medicine back from Insurance providers and give it back to doctors and the people.That was my biggest problem with the ACA,in that the Insurance companies were still in control.
Why should I be willing to spend my tax dollars savings the lives of Trump supporters?
Compassion and mercy? The sort of things that as someone who is supposedly a leftist/liberal you're supposed to be big on?
What about non Trumpet Kansans? Are they supposed to get kicked to the curb because you don't like the choices others have made?
@NeoMatrix: yea, who cares about all those Kansas citizens who voted against Trump? What's a few innocent lives when it comes to selfish posturing for NeoMatrix's fascist-style ideology?
Congratulations on becoming the atheist Vox Day, by the way.
I'm glad sanity is prevailing in Kansas for once.
Also; The ACA is not in danger, anymore! YAY!
Also; Wishing death on GOP voters is just evil. They deserve our love and compassion and NOT our hate!
Their leaders and the few Hate-Group/Ammosexual/Loose-Canons, however....
But that Tea-Party Granny in that electric-scooter-chair named Betty-Jo doesn't deserve hate. She just doesn't know better.
They are potential Democrat voters.
Just look at Donald Fart's approval rating.
Just as there are those regretting their decision, re. 'Brexit', not everyone's part of the Trumptard circlejerk.
24 million Americans would have been affected if Wiggy had got his way. 24 million Republican voters. So many Repubicans in Capitol Hill potentially losing their jobs there.
People can change their minds ...!
I know.If Obama hadn't been so adamant on passing the bill, then maybe a Republican could've moseyed on in and passed it without so much resistance.I know that probably sounds abhorent to you, but personally, I thinks that shows how partisan politics has fucked up American governance.
Fuck you. I live in Kansas, I have health insurance under the ACA (which I pay for), and I voted for Hillary because I absolutely loathe Trump. I'm just glad that the politicians in my state are finally doing something right. Now if we could get rid of that idiot Brownback.
And if you want to know the truth, a lot of former Trump supporters out here are regretting that decision.
Kansas did something right! Now if only they got rid of Brownback! Still this is a start.
Now, normally, I would like to think that LIVES SAVED is a good thing. But here, we are talking about KANSAS lives saved. Which likely means, saving the lives of Trump supporters.
Not everyone there voted Trump and more over you sound just like the Trump supporters who advocate liberals dying. It's not a good thing to sound like those you oppose
Psalmanazaar has a point. The biggest problem with people who irrationally demonize healthcare is that they're willingly oblivious to what they get from it. I mean for fuck's sake I'm pretty sure I heard a quote from someone who said they didn't get or need help from the government when he was on food stamps.
It angers me that people can be so dismissive but I hardly wish misfortune or death on them, but on the same hand no system can perform to the best of its ability if the people in it are ignorant and obstructive. They need to be made to see the benefits and more than that they need to see that everything they're being scared with is either completely bogus or worse something they already live with under their current healthcare system that would be done away with in single-payer.
Except that, like all red states, Kansas has a very strong progressive movement. Not to mention, Trump supporters are fucking people too.
@Demon Duck of Doom
Fuck it, I do feel bad for them. A hella lot of them were decieved by a massive showman whose biggest talent is making people believe him. Yes, a lot of them were motivated by hate and bigotry (and fuck those people sideways), but some of them geniunely wanted something good to come out of this; they have been lied to.
Anyway, @OP: there's this thing called "empathy", you might want to try it sometime. Wishing death upon those who disagree with you is a fairly fascistic method. This is not how you keep a moral high ground, honeybunch.
Why save the lives of Titans fans? Or Cardinals fans?
What? It's the same reasoning. Don't support my team, you don't matter. Team Red and Team Blue... *sigh*
I'm starting to wonder if we really were ever better than this bullshit...
Honestly while I am neither right nor left wing totally, I do think the left wing was at one time better. They didn't advocate these things or at least not so openly and brazenly. Things have been rather toxic for some time. And with the tea party and alt-right pulling things further to the right, the left decided to pull back. Where we're at now is a result of that. And the left wing I guess decided to fight fire with fire as it were. That's why we're seeing more of it. I'm hoping it dies down the rhethoric. I hate seeing both sides pulling this, it makes it harder to tell them apart
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