I dislike and have little patience for atheists
There's that christian love and understanding I've heard so much about.
specifically because it was conceived as a money-making enterprise
Really now? And just how does that work? I am an atheist and yet I have never paid or been asked to pay anyone any amount of money for the right to do so, unlike every church I have ever attended. In fact I spend exactly $0.00 on being an atheist.
and created by a racist, hack "scientist"
Now you are really grasping at straws. There have been non believers as long has there have been religions to not believe in. Atheism is not a recent invention nor is it dependent upon any particular scientific theory.
And if there are folks dumb enough to buy into the scam, and they're happy without the protection of G-D - more power to 'em.
First, we have already established that there is no monetary cost required to disbelieve a religion, even yours.
Secondly, why would a person who doesn't believe in your "god" care about a loss of theoretical "protection" from something vague, undefined, and decidedly mythical.
But when they spout off on subjects they knows nothing about
And who decides whether a person knows about a subject or not? You? There are theologists, biblical scholars, and even clergyman who are admitted, but not necessisarily open, non believers. There are atheists who spent much of their lives as fervent and devout believers. You don't get to decide someones level of knowledge on a subject just because you say so.
the love of G-D
The same loving "god" that supposedly will torture us for eternity for not believing and kissing his ass in just the right way?
or encouraging people who need prayer (to treat their illnesses) to stop saying them
There has never been any reliable evidence that prayer alone can or has treated anybody's illness. That aside, there is no responsible doctor that encourages patients to stop saying prayers. House is a TV show, not real life, get over it.
then it's probably time for a reality check
And the reality is that arrogant self-righteous pricks like you don't get to decide a persons level of knowledge or understanding on a subject just because you don't like what they have to say. There's your realty check.
Science isn't truth.
It's an evil scam.
First, you are right, science isn't truth, it is however, the best means we have for discerning truth.
Second, You started your post by railing on atheists, yet the body of your post directs your attacks at science and scientists. Atheism and science are not interdependant. Science is not required to disbelieve religious claims, as the existence of atheist long before the dawn of modern science proves. Neither is atheism a prerequisite to accept or research a single scientific feild of study, again as proven by the fact there many scientists who a believers in all sorts of religions.
You claim science is an "evil scam" but you also seem to think that both science and atheism were the invention of "a racist, hack scientist", by whom I assume you meant Darwin. After demonstrating your utter ignorance of both science and atheism you arrogantly and condescendingly seek to lecture others about not being sufficiently knowledgable on certain subjects. Your hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.