Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
"Big-foots" are a type of nephilim. And more sightings will of them will occur as we near the ending of the age.
After the Grigori bred with humans they moved on to animals including gorillas and monkeys, the result was 8-15 feet tall humanoid like big foots with great strength but little intelligence.
Most of the the animal-Grigori hybrids were destroyed in the great flood, and the Grigori were imprisoned in the boughs of the earth. However they were released around the 1900's and they are at it again.
Also the souls of the nephilim were released and they are mixing in with the vessel of choice to get bodies.
While "big-foots" are interesting, keep in mind they are the result of spiritual uncleanness and toward the end of the age the kingdom of darkness will change the laws encourage women and especially young girls to have sex with them.