I found that "mental illness' such as "bipolar" and BDP run high amongst homosexuals.
It's part of the whole same sex attraction.
Absorption with the reflection of self, (true self or in a similar same sex other) rejection by, or dysfunctional sexual role models, no TRUE Christian parenting, highly emtional perception of life, etc.
Wow, churchlady and others like her assume that "gay" is the antithesis to Christian. What are they going to do when they find out there are gays in their camp? "Code pink, we've been infiltrated, I repeat, a GAY has infiltrated the premises?"
You "found" this? How? Are you a research fellow is social trends? A psychologist doing specialized studies into the connection between developmental personality disorders and sexual orientation?
'Cause if yer not, then kindly either shut the hell up or at least stop posting your opinions in the form of facts.
Any ass wipe reads about Freud and thing they can diagnose and anlayze anything <sigh>
Actually, the LGBT community has one of the highest rates of usage of therapy services. However, this isn't due to higher levels of mental illness as much as it is due to stressors of living in a society naturally inclined to hate and descriminate against us.
Funny, three of the four people I know that are currently receiving mental health treatment for "bipolar" are penecostal fundie "churchladies". The fourth, well she is hardly gay, she is a Wiccan nymphomaniac. You fail!
"...no TRUE Christian parenting..."
Because, as everyone knows, TrueChristianTM family has ever had gay children or any history of mental illness. </sarcasm>
Typical fundie tirade.
"I found that "mental illness' such as "bipolar" and BDP run high amongst homosexuals.
Found where? Where is your evidence? Do you have statistics? Or just making this up drawing on your own biased opinion?
It's part of the whole same sex attraction.
First we have a fabricated effect with no evidentiary support. So, hey, why not make up a phoney cause too! :-)
Absorption with the reflection of self, (true self or in a similar same sex other) rejection by, or dysfunctional sexual role models, no TRUE Christian parenting, highly emtional perception of life, etc."
How do you combine Bible thumping, pseudo-psychologizing and the "no true Scotsman" fallacy? See preceding quote.
Dan Savage has actually talked about this -- dysfunctional behavior (not necessarily mental illness per se) is pretty common among homosexuals, though that would seem inevitable among any group that is routinely ostracized by society.
So she's sort of right about the effect, but as usual completely wrong about the causes.
Let me see. Ernest Hemingway, bipolar, straight. Jean Claude Van Damme, bipolar, straight(very). Virginia Wolf, bipolar, bisexual. Vincent Van Gogh, straight, bipolar, his father a minister........any research or just some no true Scotchman fallacy?
churchlady, you are a fucking stoopid twat.
Bipolar and BDP are genetic traits.
And I know lots of cocksuckers who were raised in *very* religious and TRUE Christian parenting households.
[stooopid ignorant cow!]
As a Psychiatrist I call bullshit on this post. In fact, most of the patients I've been seeing for the last year has been straight and religious, usually fundie.
BDP? WTF is that? Maybe she meant BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)? Either way churchlady is still an idiot.
BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)
Thanks, ForensicAtheist
About time, I'd say. Or, as the Boston Phoenix once said about notorious scat-punk performer GG Allin, "Well... that's that, then."
Oh noes! Not a highly emtional perception of life! Without blind faith to lead you, who knows where natural emtiotions could lead!?!?!?!?!?!? Maybe even to ect!
Scary isn't it how all gays are gay because they have a dysfunctional role model who was gay?! Even though the biggest impacts on our young lives are our teachers and parents! How they're all obsessed with themselves!! Not like me at all! Or how they were all rejected by an unnamed person at birth!! And how they ALL (!) didn't come from True Christian families!? It could even lead us to...
Referencing our goddam arguments dumbass.
So, how do you explain Jack Chick and Crapalert Guy obviousleh being schizophrenic, but, say, Boy George or someone isn't?
I found that unfounded claims and statistics run high among deluded holier-than-thou types who claim to talk to dead people and believe in invisable men who have always existed and make humans out of dust.
I also find that fundies are obsessed with the genitals of homosexuals. Is there something on your mind churchlady?
Isn't that specialllll.
Translation time:
"I found that "mental illness' such as "bipolar" and BDP run high amongst homosexuals."
//I hate homos and blame them for diseases. (Also known as, Screw Reality I have Jesus)
"It's part of the whole same sex attraction."
//I'm lying my ass off
I don't want to even attempt the last bit.
Studies to prove it.
Also, most psychological disorders are more prominent in women. Is it wrong to be female?
(Keep in mind that I am female).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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