bill-11b #fundie
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I know I was whiskey boarded as a cherry as I think most grunts do (or used to, before hazing required congressional hearings) and it sucks ass, yeah, but it’s not gonna kill you and it leaves 0 lasting physical damage, and at worst will leave you with drowning trauma.
And anyway, anyone who makes it to the point of being waterboarded either doesn’t have long to live anyhow or will spend the rest of their life in a cell, so, who gives a fuck.
[ Torture is wrong, and it is wrong in so many ways: If you have any respect for the Rule of Law, you won’t torture anybody because it is illegal in every civilized country in the world. A moment you make exception or precedent for anybody, sooner or later it will be your turn to be tortured. That is something history is teaching us.
If you are doing it as revenge, you are descending to their level and when you do that, being their equal, you lose any right to criticize them.
If you are doing it to gather information, you will not get anything useful because people tortured will say whatever to stop torture. It is a fact that torture is ineffective as a tool of intelligence gathering. ]This is why my first comment was what it was.
Uniformed soldiers should never be tortured to gather information, you’re correct.
Non-state, non-uniformed terrorists and insurgents have no rights, you see, because they have declared themselves to be outside the purview of the rule of law.
“Descending to their level” is the oldest excuse in the book. They hit first, retaliation with whatever means are necessary is absolutely justified. If it isn’t, then shooting a home invader that’s raping your wife is “descending to his level,” nuking Japan to end the war or the fire bombings across Germany both of which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, were “descending to their level.”
If torture never produces actionable intelligence, why would the CIA employ it? Aren’t they our resident experts in human intelligence extraction?
Of course some people will lie to make the torture stop. Many will also tell the blatant truth in hopes that they wont be subjecting again. Even a true believer can be broken if he’s pressed the right way. There’s a reason we have people who are experts in reading body language and physical cues to tell if what they’re saying is desperate hail mary, or the God’s honest truth.
As for that last bit, it’s called “sin eating.” Some people are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect this nation, including surrender their own morals, values, “soul” to do so.
Why is it just in the face of this enemy that we feel surrender and defeat would be better than doing mean things? What the fuck happened? When did we as a society become so fucking spineless?
Be glad no one is asking you to do the dirty work that they’re willing to do on your behalf.
[ bill-11b
You are so wrong—
"Similarly, Americans may choose to draw their own conclusions about Wednesday’s 480-page report by the US Senate intelligence committee, despite its conclusion that “enhanced interrogation techniques” do not yield any useful intelligence.”
Torture doesn’t work at all. It’s a disgrace how we trample on the freedom of no cruel and unusual punishment. If a government wastes it time and resources on false claims, it’s not being spent towards towards actual terrorists.There’s a huge difference between warfare after you are attacked, and the torture of suspected terrorists.
When people say the whole descending to their level, it’s because we expect torture and other horrible things from terrorists. Not the U.S. military, which I hope you’re at least holding to higher standards than barbarians.
We hung people in WWII because of waterboarding.
Here one from McCain was actually tortured in Vietnam.
It’s chilling that anyone has to go through torture let alone ann american soldier ]
Okay, that’s great and all, butimage