The gays took something that was God-Given and twisted it into something that should be despised in every quarter...the Rainbow...What was the rainbow given for and by whom? ...And now look ...Those whom God despises the actions of the the point that He has from the beginning...called it an "abomination"...have God's Rainbow... taken it a twisted it into something representing the most vilest thing in the LORD'S sight...The emblem of their solidarity...Is not the Rainbow the tie that binds all lesbians and gays together? You can call me a homophobe or matters not...the one thing I can't be called is... a LIAR! Each time I see a Gay Pride Parade...awash in God's heavenly sickens me...I can only imagine what it does to our LORD...These are my views...What are yours?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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