Take a look at this picture. Aesthetically, it is beautiful; but epistemologically, it is a testimony to what sin can do. A nebula, the shell of a star that once housed an angel. An angel that chose to "leave his first estate" and come here to cohabit with the women. It now serves as a warning beacon to any other angel that may want to follow in their steps. Aesthetically beautiful, hamartologically ugly - ugly as sin.
[picture of THE GRAND CANYON]
The nebula, I almost get. It's in space and all, and there's the star connection. But how the hell is that "ditto" to the Grand Canyon?
Beauty surely is in the eye of the beholder.
I've tussled with AV1611VET before, and while his arguments have been childishly ludicrous, they've always been at least sane. If ever there was a sign that he had finally, at long last, gone completely off his hinges, I'd say we've seen it here.
Dude, seriously, what the fuck?
The Grand Canyon... formed when the buried angel died underground in a violent explosion that cracked the desert in two.
Yeah, right. But thanks for the fantasy game idea.
"Take a look at this picture. Aesthetically, it is beautiful;"
I've seen it before and, though it pains me greatly to say so, I agree with your assessment.
"but epistemologically, it is a testimony to what sin can do."
Excuse me?
"A nebula, the shell of a star that once housed an angel."
Say what now?
"An angel that chose to "leave his first estate" and come here to cohabit with the women."
Oh, I see. Some joker has pasted pages from an astronomy text book into your Bible. Perhaps you should actually pay attention to what you're reading and contextual oddities like that will tend to jump out at you.
"t now serves as a warning beacon to any other angel that may want to follow in their steps. Aesthetically beautiful, hamartologically ugly - ugly as sin."
You're a strange one, AV.
Strange indeed.
Hematology is the study of blood, epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of thought and mind, a nebula is a collection of dust not a dead star.
Thus I can conclude you have no damn idea what you are talking about.
Take a look at this picture
It's the only one I got
Not much of a picture
Never seem to get a lot
It was once a
Holy angel
Now it's just a Nephelim
Siring hybrids
I'm hoping that what I say's true
But I know deep down that it's doo-doo!
Considering there are something like a few million supernovas happening every day in our galaxy alone, then there must be a lot of angels coming down to fuck with our women... looks like your god's threat of turning them into an explosion isn't working.
I really hope AV doesn't work in a post office. What's the bet that some time soon we hear on the news about some wacko gunning down a bunch of people while he screams about fallen nebula angels stealing his women.
Hokay...care to cite a source or two?
Ya know, once upon a time in America this kind of twaddle would qualify a person for an extended rest in a magnificent state-owned villa full of other like-minded individuals. Sometimes I really miss the old days...
I refuse to comment on this fucktard anymore. He's very obviously been off his meds for too long and now he's just becoming...well, very boring, honestly - at least in a morbid sense.
Get your dick out of the peanut butter, AV1611VET!
Which only goes to show that a sufficiently dogmatic person can find corruption in almost anything.
VET, you know those nebulae created the very rocks that you stand on? As well as you?
Never mind, probably not.
The horsehead nebula is not the remains of a star, it's a stellar nursery. New stars are being made there. (no, not by any god. The natural forces don't need any supernatural help, thankyouverymuch.)
The grand canyon is an interesting geological formation, and not something made by falling angels either, but then again you are so set in your thoughtpatterns I had better give up on informing you now.
You just think anything pleasant is sinful...
but seriously, holy shit, this is a new low.
Take a look at this picture. Horticulturally, it is wonderful, rich and fertilising, it makes plants grow, but it also fell out of the bottom of a bat. It's probably safe to say that anything falling out of the bottom of a bat isn't going to win a Nobel prize anytime soon. In fact, you'd have to be as crazy as AV to consider this stuff anything more than high-grade fertiliser.
Bat-sh*t crazy, in fact.
IF I correctly remember, angels don't really have free will...
So God made him rebel. Or what have you. And to be fair, if this were true, God would be "kind of a dick" since human morality states that any creature capable of cogent thought and able to communicate on a level similar to ours should be treated the same as us.
What if the angel was female? Why are we blaming women for this in any case.
Screw this!
ASTRONOMY, PHYSICS and BIOLOGY does not work this way!
"Considering there are something like a few million supernovas happening every day in our galaxy alone , then there must be a lot of angels coming down to fuck with our women... looks like your god's threat of turning them into an explosion isn't working. "
welllll... that rate would be a bit high, considering that a supernova-capable star has to exceed a certain initial mass during its normal life-time, and even then a super-nova is not a guaranteed end to the star's life.
However, the average estimated rate is 1 supernova every 50 years in our galaxy (or any comparably sized galaxy). Now, given that there are billions of galaxies of similar size to ours in the observable universe, you could argue that, somewhere in the observable universe, there is a supernova going on every day.
So yeah... the net result would be a lot of angels messin' with our wimin-folk.
I have another theory, only that you're not going to like it because it's very "scientific". However, I feel that those who wrote the Bible would say WTF to your theory. Remember, they didn't have any idea that both things you showed existed.
Hmmm. It looks like i'm going to have to update the theology that was put forward in the comments of this quote:
It seems that the Nephilim did not begin with Eve's repository of eggs, but rather with angels who "hatched" and then came to Earth in order to cohabit with humans. It also leads us to the conclusion that all angels look like this:
I'll leave it to AV to tie this into "aesthetically beautiful"
The Horsehead Nebula isn't the shell of a star; it's a bunch of dust and gas that glows when the radiation from some central star hits it. Kind of like a cosmic neon sign. The horsehead itself is a separate bunch of (dark) dust and gas, maybe a thousand or more light years away, blocking our vision.
Oh yea? Well, hamsterlogically, AV, you're a damned mental case. It's just a bunch of dust floating around in space. No exploded star, no angel, no other crazy woo that you've pulled out of your fanciful imagination.
Seek medical attention, AV. Seriously.
jsonitsac, your Googlefu is weak.
Harmatology is the study of sin.
(None of which changes the fact that AV1611VET is bat-shit crazy.)
Okay, okay, there ARE nebulas that are the remnants of exploded supernovae. (Such as the Crab Nebula.)
But. The Horsehead Nebula isn't one of them .
And even if it were, is AV1611VET saying that angels live in the cores of stars, and the angel has to make the star detonate to be able to get out?
I thought the only people who thought things like this were in insane asylums. Seriously, even my "religious" relatives and friends don't believe any of the shit I read in the posts here. It boggles my mind.
Is this angel that AV1611VET speaks of in any way related to the Pussy Troll that Elias believed in in "Clerks II?"
*Explosive laughter*
HAHAHahahahehhhhh... *cough*
Nebulae are FORMING stars, and angels are not incomprehensibly large and hot balls of gas...
this word does not exist to the best of my knowledge (and I've also searched a couple of dictionaries).
I can usually guess what word they're trying to use, but this time the best definition I could come up with was "flibble"
@ Exasperated:
"Nebulae are FORMING stars, and angels are not incomprehensibly large and hot balls of gas... "
Very true,,,, but AV1611VET may just be an incomprehensibly large ball of hot air (and an unedjumaceted one, at that) lol
Well you, sir, are an espezio.
See, I can make up words too.
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