An prominent element of uncertainty, as found in football, seems to enable demonic influences to thrive.
In modern times, pagan rituals include the Super Bowl, certain public school events, and even misnamed holidays like "President's Day."
"An prominent element of uncertainty, as found in football, seems to enable demonic influences to thrive. "
I thought relativity, not quantum mechanics, was the theory that attacked Christianity.
"In modern times, pagan rituals include the Super Bowl, certain public school events, and even misnamed holidays like "President's Day.""
Wow. The widest possible definition of 'ritual' to allow tossing in just about anything people spend a lot of time and attention on.
But try the same approach to words like 'occult' and they will insist that Christainity doesn't fit the definition.
The uncertainty of a simple coin toss.
Or perhaps that - as performed by the daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - At Superbowl LIII you consider to be 'Demonic '...?!
Careful, Andy Schaftafly: your racism by stealth is showing.
Peyton Manning winning his second ring in Superbowl L must still sting to this day: and your precious Timmy Teabowl is less -than nothing.
What, did he kicked out of a Super Bowl party or something?
Jealous his favorite college didn't produce the all-time winningest QB ever? *hums Hail to the Victors*
Andrew Schlafly, Phyllis Schlafly, Andrew Schlafly, Conservapedia, Andrew Schlafly, Andrew Schlafly's translation of the Bible, Andrew Schlafly...
Oh hey look, another webisode of "Andy Hates Fun" is up. I love this show, it's almost as good as it's spinoffs, "Andy Hates Brains," "Andy Hates Truth," and "Andy Loves Cock."
President's Day is pagan? Oh right, it doesn't honor Gawd. Well then, I'm happy to be a pagan and celebrate any number of holidays, even though I don't give two shits about the Superbowl.
If this wasn't Schlafly, I'd say "Come to Sweden before and during the Super Bowl, we barely mention it over here", but I definitely don't want this dolt to darken our country. And we do mention it, a little bit. I'm utterly uninterested in sports, and I still knew it was happening, and I knew that Something Patriots and Something Rams were competing. Before breakfast the next day (as we are about eight hours ahead of the US, most of us were fast asleep when the match was played), I knew the Patriots had won.
Oh, and we have other pagan rituals over here, like dancing round a maypole at the summer solstice, pretending to be frogs...
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The only element of uncertainty is whether it's only going to rain during the dancing, or if it's going to rain the whole day.
So don't come here, Andy, there's demons EVERYWHERE here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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