Stop capatialzing the god of Israel name, god is not a name but a title. Yahweh was one of El Elyon sons(before the translaters mess up the ancient texts by making Yahweh El Elyon and the only god). The god that we have been worshipping is a war god.The bible has been corrupt.
You usually capitalise titles too . King ,Queen, President, Mr , Mrs Dr ,Ms etc.
Not king queen president mr mrs dr. Even my spellchecker was trying to correct this sentence
You're as membrane-skinned as fundie Muslims. I suggest you get out more.
The followers of the war god Khorne in "Warhammer 40,000" realise that he forbids the slaughter of the defenceless . Not seeing anyone burning any of Games Workshop's "WH40K Codex" books a la those Mad Mullahs, re. Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses", therefore you should get a life.
The most obsessed "WH40K" players/collectors are more in touch with reality than you are; they would tell you to 'Get a life '. My best friend has a huge collection of RPGs etc. He's a long-time Church of England Christian , and some of his collection is the sort of thing that fundies would consider to be 'corrupt', even blasphemous . So why doesn't he feel offended by such...?!
"god is not a name but a title"
This makes me think of the 1989 movie Warlock with Julian Sands as the title character.
The warlock time travels from the 17th to the 20th century and goes looking for a book called the Grand Grimoire. When assembled, the GG will reveal the true name of God and saying that name backwards will undo all of God's creation.
Capitalizing God does not annoy me, Christians insistence in capitalizing pronouns when talking about God annoys me.
I thought I was the only one who was annoyed when capitalizing "he" or "him" when talking about God.
1) God is written that way as a show of respect and oit of centuries of distinguishing him as the one and only God. Capitalized Him and He is the same.
2) Yahweh if I understand it right was a war/storm god in Ancient Semietric mythology back when the Hebrews were polytheistic. The El Elyon were other, minor gods and latter translated into a gels when they went full blown monotheistic. This was long before Jesus and Christianity.
Actually, there is something to what he's saying.
The Canaanite pantheon had El as the chief god somewhat akin to Zeus in the Greek Pantheon. Yahweh was one of his sons. Consider Isra-EL and EL-hanan (one of David's men) from the Bible.
Yahweh became the favored local god of Israel and Judah. This evolved over time into monolatry, the worship of one god but belief in the existence of many. Then it further developed into monotheism and Yahweh merged with El.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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