David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Mormons have turned sex into a religion!!! Mormonism's gospel is saturated with sex, sex, sex! Joe Smith's perverted views are the foundation of Mormonism. In view of the fact that same-sex marriage is about to be made federal law, I am convinced that polygamy is also going to be legalized for Mormons. Mormons try to give the false impression that they're just like any other Americans, hard-working and decent people. Although many are hard-working and successful people, they are not honest about their religious faith. The fact that polygamous Mormons have to live in closed communities speaks volumes. The fact that Mormon temples are off limits to the public and rituals are secret speaks volumes! Truth and righteousness need no cloak. Only evil needs to be kept secret! The truth is that Mormonism is an organization within an organization, like Freemasonry, where a small inner group of elite and wealthy men live in sexual debauchery at the expense of the outer group. Mormon temples even contain beds (which aren't used for napping purposes).
Sexual perversion is rampant in America. Homosexuals are allowed to marry and that's ok with mainstream society. Gene Simmons (Jewish) brags of having had sex with 4,897 women and that is ok with mainstream society, making him a star on TV. Every form of sexual immorality is tolerated in America, even pedophilia and bestiality. Britney Spears shamelessly holds a world record for having only a 72-hour marriage! Yet American society shows no mercy when a Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggert sins even once. I'm not going easy on sin, I'm pointing out that Americans are wicked hypocrites who are bigoted, hateful and biased against Christians, the Bible and righteousness.