Anonymous Coward #fundie

If you're a Christian being gangstalked you are a member of the Church of Philadelphia

If you are already receiving your trials and tribulations at the hands of the gangstalkers, God is going to keep you from the real trial that will fall upon the world.

Read Revelation 3:7-10

You are being attacked by the huge world-wide network of secret satanist that are going to be wiped off the face of the planet. The is only a small number of us in total but "they" all know who we are already

No, seriously, I've tested the people that do this gangstalking:

I will play by "their game" and do everything positive and follow every rule of the game they play - and you know what?

They will not allow you to live peacefully even if you play their game - these people are demon possessed and by the thousands - "Legion"

Personally, in my area the ratio is a few thousand to just me so like 10,000:1 - that is how small the ratio is of people in the Church of Philadelphia that will be spared from the trial that is coming upon this Earth

What I'm telling you all is coming soon



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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