Id this dork talking about being stalked by devils or non-frums?
Uh, Mr./Ms. Original Poster Weirdo;
We non-frums could care less if you're a frum. We have no problem with Christianity or Churches. We are not forming anti-Christian street gangs like some diabolical "Satanist Crips". We live our lives and you live yours. Capische?
When we do make a big to-do is when you force your worldviews into legislation and the Public School system. If you don't like Public Schools, there's plenty of religious-based ones to choose from! You have Home Schooling and you have "Sunday/Sabbath School" for the little ones during church.
You want your kids to being religious types who believe in nonsense like a 6000 year old Earth, fine. I may feel your doing your kids a disservice but, fine. There's religious schools and home schooling.
Public School and anything else run by the United States Government (and the Govt. itself) is meant to be completely SECULAR. This is NOT because they're against religious faith! Rather; It's to preserve the UNALIENABLE RIGHTS of WE THE PEOPLE, regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof. A public School has to be based on what is PROVEN! Science! Reason! Math! History! etc.
If the U.S. Govt. caters to a religion, then it must recognize ALL of them! During December, a Christmas Nativity scene MUST be accompanied by a Hanukkah Menorah and a Kwanzaa Kinara. There's also the Islamic holiday of Mawlid al-Nabi, which celebrates the birth of the Prophet of Islam, Mohamed (like Hanukkah, it seems to be something hyped to not feel out of place during Christmas, since no one knows when Mohamed was born. Then again; It's highly doubtful that Jesus was born in the Winter). Perhaps they should go even further with a nod to Yule/Winter Solstice.
We don't want prejudice or strictly religious morality made law. It must be something EVERYONE and COMMON SENSE can agree upon. There's no rational, scientific reason why people who are wired a certain way (to prefer loving their own gender) should be disenfranchised when their condition does not hinder them nor hurt anyone else.
We don't want to force our ways on you (apart from punishing you for nasty hate crimes) so please don't force you ways on us!
Finally; Even atheists think Jesus was a cool guy and a LOT OF LIBERALS AND PROGRESSIVES ARE CHURCH-GOING, JESUS-LOVING CHRISTIANS! The majority of the country is of a Christian affiliation or background! GET A GRIP!