[Isn't this [referring to slavery] the least noble aspect in American history? What aspect could be less noble than owning another man and his children?]
Killing unborn babies?
So, aborting a bunch of unwanted cells is worse than forcing already living human beings into bondage?
You people are beyond backwards.
Again, I don't see the problem.
I find abortion o be much less honorable than slavery.
Slavery is wrong, abortion is wrong, neither is honorable.
Abortion should be legal, but not honorable.
He's right.
Zankou: Abortion shouldn't be an honourable thing, that's true, but you say it's worse than slavery? AYFH? A fetus has no rights, nor does it have feelings. Slavery is easily the worst human rights violation in US history, and one of the worst in the world's history.
A 4 week old embryo is not a baby. It cannot feel, think, or experience. Abortion certainly isn't something anyone should be proud of, but it is hardly comparable to the torture, abuse and lack of civil rights given to slaves. A slave can feel. A slave can think. You can't tell me that a small cluster of cells, no matter how vaguely human shaped it is, has the same rights as a fully formed human being.
Not worse, less honorable. I phrased that poorly
The slaves in the Bible were reasonably well treated, though.
Black slaves, not so much.
Sorry, wrong
Abortion is a blessing; a mitzvah.
It frees a woman of a life threatening parasite.
If a woman chooses to host the parasite, to allow this thing to use HER organs to survive, that is her choice.
But the temerity os saying that abortion is not honorable is to dishonor yourself.
In the bible, slaves raped to death, holes punched in their body, locked in a room to live out their lives, mothers, fathers, brothers, married sisters all killed and the virgins kept for rape at leisure.
Wow that sounds wonderful!
First, they're not babies, they're fetuses. They don't even think, so I'd hardly classify they as true human beings. Abortion kills groups of cells that, while biologically human, don't contain any of the meaningful traits that human beings posess.
Second, slavery involves a complete stripping of the rights of another human being, to the extent that they become "property" and are not much better than some animal.
How is the first possibly worse than the second?!
Zankou said:
Abortion should be legal, but not honorable.
Revolt, this is a pro-choice position . If you agree with what Zankou said, you are pro-choice . You're still kooky, but you're pro-choice nonetheless. Please don't give cover to the forced-childbirth and anti-contraception lobbies.
How the flying noodly fuck does aborting an insentient cluster of cells compare to enslaving entire families of sentient people?
Fundies - effing up logic since the beginning of time.
@Zankou, Revolt & stogoe: I doubt anyone feels proud after having an abortion. Relieved, maybe. Grateful, certainly. But not proud.
Possibly the murder of hundreds of thousands of American Indians(adults, children, and babies) to steal their lands is as ignoble as the slavery. The imprisonment in prison camps of thousands of innocent Japanese during WWII might also qualify as one of America's saddest chapters.PSUnborn babies is an oxymoron.PPSPhilip J. Rayment is a real moron.
Abortion is not even mentioned in ANY of the "holy" texts.
Only the expansive religions condemned it because it meant less followers to order around.
The ones who make the most noise about abortion are MEN and don't understand the meaning of a bad pregnancy.
Women are sentient beings, not property and least of all slaves to an oppressive doctrine.
I suggest you have a word with god about all the miscarriages that happen, including late term miscarriages. As soon as he give you a satisfactory answer as to why it's okay for him to kill unborn "babies" but not the parent/s who have to carry and raise the "baby" after it comes out, then we'll talk until then. STFU and DIAF.
I got some that are actually true
Allowing a foreign country to influence our elections through hacking.
My Lai was also on the list
Bay of Pigs comes to mind
Overthrowing democratically elected leaders to instill fascist ones like Pinochet
Afghanistan 1979-1989 Iraq 2004
The recent bombing of Syria
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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