"That wasn't something you were actually supposed to answer, silly child, it was a rhetorical question."
I understand, kid. Just thought it merited response ^_^
"So how's filing for a retrial coming along?
That's what you're doing with all that incontrovertible evidence of Zimmerman's guilt, right?
Oh, you're not?"
Are you done talking to yourself? Oh, you are? Good. At any rate I hope the Martins file a civil suit much like what happened after the O.J. Simpson verdict.
"That can't possibly be the case, you were so adamant that you had enough proof that you were willing to question either the integrity or competence of a judge, somebody with far more legal experience than you'll ever have, surely you wouldn't do such a thing purely on hearsay and wishful thinking?"
Appeal to authority, speculation about legal experience, etc etc. Yes, you can, in fact, criticize a judge for mishandling a case, allowing for negative evidence about Martin's character and allowing the jury to consider the Stand Your Ground laws as per the instructions. Kind of fundie-esque to think they're above a critique, no?
"Oh wait, of course you wouldn't, embarrassing yourself on an internet ofrum [sic] is one thing, but I doubt you'd be idiotic enough to do it in real-life."
...the hell are you even talking about anyway? You think I have power over the trial and those involved? Or some connection with the Florida court system? I mean I figured you didn't know much about the legal system but...damn.