...but if these dinos are only a few thousand years old, then any and all other so-called "old" creatures must not be old at all. This means any and all radiometric dating must be flawed and the whole old-earth paradigm slides down the pipes of the intellectual toilet where it belongs with all the other excrement.
But if the computers were powered by cheese then all the other so-called 'electronic devices' might not be powered by electricity at all? This means any and all local electric suppliers are mis-selling you something you really don't need while denying the dairy produce sector a much needed source of revenue!
The fiends! Stealing our money and leaving those poor cows to starve! Why I ought to... *whisper* just a minute...
*whisper* *whisper*
*whisper* *whisper* *whisper*
Ummhmm... got it.
Okay, forget what I said. Apparently, if I just make shit up, that doesn't automatically make it true, sorry!
Occam's Razor, bitch.
Either every single method of dating the Earth, and all things in it are wrong, or...brace yourself...your book, written LONG before any of this ever existed, could be mistaken. Before you answer that, how do you reconcile 2 people turning into 4 billion in a mere 6000 years...without even accommodating for the flood, plagues, Crusades, etc. Even if every offspring survived in every generation (and we all know that even a hundred years ago, a child had little better than a 50/50 shot of living past 3,) it is a physical impossibility to reach those numbers.
"...but if these dinos are only a few thousand years old, then any and all other so-called "old" creatures must not be old at all."
Uh, why exactly is that?
"This means any and all radiometric dating must be flawed and the whole old-earth paradigm slides down the pipes of the intellectual toilet where it belongs with all the other excrement."
You seem completely oblivious to the fact that the same methods used to calculate half lives for dating methods are also used in nuclear medicine. Mind explaining why it works just fine when your doctor applies it for your treatment but not when a paleontologist uses it to date a fossil?
"And supersport tries an argument from adverse consequences from the top rope... and slips and lands hard on the ring support, then falls forward onto the mat. Nick, I do believe he's just been knocked out."
"No, not unconscious, he's getting up, but he's not a happy camper. I think he's going to need a little ice for that one, Johnny."
"Yeah, Nick, that one will definitely leave a mark. Okay, as Referee Mills Lane checks on supersport, let's go to the locker room, where Stacey Kornbread is interviewing Kirk Cameron and Brian Sapient for the next match. Stac...ey?"
"Johnny, are you okay?"
"Sorry, Stacey, just checking out the rack on Mr. Sapient's girlfriend Kelly. Over to you."
Whenever I read something from SS about how scientific theory X has been disproved or scientific principle Y is wrong, I can immediately assume that neither idea is in jeopardy and, in fact, they are probably doing very well.
Is this a variation on the "the Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, therefore there could not have been any dinosaurs 100,000,000 years ago" argument?
"...but if these dinos are many millions of years old, then any and all other so-called "young" creatures must not be young at all. This means any and all fundie blithering must be flawed and the whole genesis paradigm slides down the pipes of the intellectual toilet where it belongs with all the other excrement."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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