inverter #fundie

Because I know what the scientific "evidence" is but I just don't buy it. I believe that if evolution were true and we descended from apes, that is Man came from apes because we evolved from a lower into a higher being, then apes would have slowely died out. And why did all humans evolve in the exact same way? How did all the organs evolve and still work? You see all of the organs are needed to sustain life and if we came from one molecule, that one molecule needed the entire package in order to live. But to me science dosen't prove that molecules could have done that. Why isn't there half ape half man? Why don't some have wings? We could use wings, that would get us places faster and if evolution is true then maybe we would have evolved into that. I know that all seems corny and stupid to you, but its the little questions like that that just make evolution so unbelievable. Hey I didn't inherit Christianity and that was it. I looked at both choices and decided that A created world is much more feasable. That's just what I believe given the evidence. Evolution severly violates the law of non-contradiction. Which makes it an impossibility.
It shouldn't be a huge deal that people believe otherwise but scientists have a hardcore agenda and does not tolerate creationists. Which is silly and wrong, and to me hurts their case even further.



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