Faith with logic is more dangerous, imho. It creates doubt.
I'm kinda new here, but I might start posting more.
My fave fundies are the geocentric bible-thumpers. Only because every time i think of one of these idiots, I am taken back in time in science class in school. My teacher has a softball and a flashlight and demonstrates "orbit" to us. Oooooooo!
Whereas this may not have anything to do with this particular quote, I did just need to get it off my chest.
Anyone have a softball and a flashlight handy?
-The Mighty Fek'lhr
I kind of agree with this, faith with the scheming, sleazy logic of the Robertsons, Hovinds, and their ilk, is very dangerous.
Oh, that's not what he meant.
How is doubt dangerous, retard!? You know what is more dangerous? Because, and I think history will agree with me on this one, I have a hunch that unchecked pride and overconfidence is much more dangerous to humanity than any reasonable doubts have ever been (regardless how comforting is to be deluded into a false sense of infallibility, and how uncomfortable it may be to try to realize the potential pitfalls and mistakes that you are more than capable of falling into).
Knowledge is power, and if you fundies actually read, and absorbed information instead of dismissing it because it's not 'in the bible', the power would shift from churches to the people. Can't have that, now can we?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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