MisterCooper #wingnut forums.civfanatics.com
A new iniative by the liberal governments propaganda arm, CNN, is focusing on food insecurity. Intent on further expanding Federal tryanny this effort is designed to create in the public eye a new danger. Seniors, we are told, are fearful of hunger and the government must expand its efforts to meet this psychologial need.
Featuring spots where well dressed elderly women in very nice homes, with those $1,500 refrigerators in the background (oops), tell how important it is that minions deliver hot meals paid for with borrowed Chinese money so that they can feel a warm glowing feeling that they are being well cared for. After all, they have old legs and might fall down if they have to trudge into their kitchen and prepare their own meal.
With elderly parents facing this threat of instant death by starvation, their neighbors and kids are nowhere to be found.
It falls to government to save them.
And thus the power of the Federal beast is and must be increased. To ensure that our obese and lazy society is taught to sit and beg for food. Like domesticated dogs.
Thus the evolution of mankind unto perfection. Under government supervison.