
Ghostwriter16 #fundie forums.civfanatics.com

[[If abortion is banned, women will still do it, they just would have to go to a back-alley clinic]]

And I proved this argument illogical, because if its murder, its totally irrelevant what is safe for the woman.

That was my point, but obviously you weren't paying much attention.

[[It's a baby Only if it has sentience which my opinion means it has brain activity and can perceive and feel pain.]]

First of all, it can certainly feel pain before the end of the second trimester, and the brain is there from 2 months or less (Not sure of the exact time, but its definitely less than 2 months.)

Second of all, that is your postulate. Then you use this postulate to say "OK, its not a full life, and so, even if it were better for her not to abort, its still better to allow it so that her life is safe!" I reject this idea. Not only would I say she ought to be executed for murder anyway, but I would also say that this is a horrible reason to make something legal, because "They'd do it unsafely otherwise."

Murder is murder.

Chiteng #fundie forums.civfanatics.com

[Thread about Nairobi mall attacks]

all I can see is:

The perps all belong to the same religion
The perps allowed people of the same religion to leave
The perps then started killing people who were NOT their religion.

Possibly.....people should be concerned about members of that religion.

Chiteng #conspiracy forums.civfanatics.com

Anyone who has participated in high school debate or speech........
Should be aware of the reality of relayed information.
It always gets distorted by the delivery system.
This is especially true with religions (for example)

What is contemptible is when they try to mold the listener by delibretly lying to them.
Polls, are very good at this. It is because of exactly such attempts that I stopped
trusting CNN NBC CBS etc etc

Even now for example, USA today simply cannot accept that people dont like
Obamacare. They keep claiming it is evil conservatives that have simply lied
to us all (or Republicans)
No it isnt. It is because it has re-created largesse. The Prez dispenses from on high
exceptions to the law, for people he likes. Gaining a political following for the favor.
That is contemptible. If the law were any good, Congress would use it.

Since they dont, it is obvious that it sux.

I dont need a news service blaming some sub-set of politics to realize that.


Ok Mr Grimes let us look at a specific example:

For the last TEN YEARS, every six months or so, someone trots out a 'poll'
that claims to show that the majority of US citizens favor universal amnesty for
illegal aliens.

This is invariably picked up and repeated by all the news media, sometimes even by
FoxNews. The assertion is a lie.

When asked if they favor an expansion of the labor pool by 60 million, they says
NO, by a wide margin.

This is where, so called news, loses my interest. I know for a fact that the people
here, where I live, want every illegal deported upon discovery. Odd how that isnt what the media here claims. They claim that the majority of my co-inhabitants
want the illegals to be granted citizenship. That is a lie.
They majority are VERY tired of being victimized by the illegals. It is getting so bad
that it is dangerous in certain parts of town to advertise you are illegal.
The reasons are many, and not pertinent to this thread. What is pertinent is that
the mass media is trying to persuade us that are personal feelings are not shared.
We know they are. That is why the paper media is almost bankrupt. No one is
willing to read their lies.

If you are claiming that FoxNews makes more money, then maybe the other media
should follow suit

MisterCooper #wingnut forums.civfanatics.com

A new iniative by the liberal governments propaganda arm, CNN, is focusing on food insecurity. Intent on further expanding Federal tryanny this effort is designed to create in the public eye a new danger. Seniors, we are told, are fearful of hunger and the government must expand its efforts to meet this psychologial need.

Featuring spots where well dressed elderly women in very nice homes, with those $1,500 refrigerators in the background (oops), tell how important it is that minions deliver hot meals paid for with borrowed Chinese money so that they can feel a warm glowing feeling that they are being well cared for. After all, they have old legs and might fall down if they have to trudge into their kitchen and prepare their own meal.

With elderly parents facing this threat of instant death by starvation, their neighbors and kids are nowhere to be found.

It falls to government to save them.

And thus the power of the Federal beast is and must be increased. To ensure that our obese and lazy society is taught to sit and beg for food. Like domesticated dogs.

Thus the evolution of mankind unto perfection. Under government supervison.

magellenproject #conspiracy forums.civfanatics.com

But it hasn't worked, because I know you bastard reptilians exist, it all makes sense that way, and I know you dont have souls.

I am unfortunate enough, to live in a town over-run by these cold-blooded scum.
and/or people that are so "Chakra-fudged" its unreal(read David Ickes the Biggest secret)

Just one possible theory I have.
They arrested my freind for "trolling" and put him in prison, probably because "they" (the reptilian scum) thought I wouled never realise the world is over-run by these green cold-blooded bastards, and they assumed in they're infinite arrogance that
everyone is as shallow, greedy, manipulative, narcisistic, elitist, and hatefull as they are.
Thus they assumed I wouldn't make freinds with people "They're" neo-nazi psychiatrists deemed "Normal".
But I saw through it!

Ecofarm #fundie forums.civfanatics.com

In order to believe that there might be no ice in the artic circle, for the entire year, in five years (consider, for a moment, where that leaves ice existing sometimes during the year), one must be:

1. Completely ignorant of oceanography, climatology, climateography and basically all real or imagined science.

2. Alzheimers.

Do that on a world stage (Kobenhavn), and your career is over. Buh bye Gore.

He shoulda gone to Christiania instead.

TheLastOne36 #fundie forums.civfanatics.com

Homosexuality is not a disease or a choice. Disorder maybe, but I think it is more of a defect.

I mean, do you honestly believe that mother nature will evolve to a point where there is Homosexuality? Of coarse not. It doesn't make sense! How would we reproduce?

I also think people are born gay, just like people are born with Autism. It is a defect.

Political Correctness will try to make it otherwise though. (like it is natural or something? Like WTF? How can that be natural?)

VRWCAgent #fundie forums.civfanatics.com

Yes, it is okay to burn that flag [North Korea's flag]. No, my position is not a double standard. I do not live in North Korea, I live in the United States.

I don't care if anyone here in the US burns the North Korean flag, the UK flag, the Israeli flag, the flag of the Netherland Antilles, or any other flag besides America's or Missouri's.