And since for the most part, the whole goal of science is to rebel against God, then their whole goal is to prove the bible wrong. This leads to even more bizarre and irrational explanations that aren't possible in reality. For example, the bible describes a tribe of giants called the Nephilim who were the sons of Anak that could very easily explain the skulls and bones that scientists have found. But in their zeal to rebel against God and play God themselves, evolutionists instead, need to come up with an even more bizarre and ludicrous explanation that humans came from apes.
"And since for the most part, the whole goal of science is to rebel against God,"
Right off the bat you've adopted a false premise. The goal of science is to discover the truth, to learn the facts about everything around (or in) us. The truth is the truth, and your God delusion doesn't effect that.
"then their whole goal is to prove the bible wrong."
It is not the goal of science to prove the Bible wrong, it is an effect of measuring the Bible against facts and well-supported theories.
"This leads to even more bizarre and irrational explanations that aren't possible in reality."
No, you're confusing science with religious dogma.
"For example, the bible describes a tribe of giants called the Nephilim who were the sons of Anak that could very easily explain the skulls and bones that scientists have found."
No. No remains of a race of giant humanoids have ever been found. Most of the skulls of human ancestors which have been found are SMALLER than those of modern humans.
"But in their zeal to rebel against God and play God themselves,"
One cannot rebel against that which does not exist.
"evolutionists instead, need to come up with an even more bizarre and ludicrous explanation that humans came from apes."
Those of us who understand and accept the ToE claim not that we "came from apes," but that we ARE apes and that humans and the other apes share common ancestry.
Carico really deserves some kind of lifetime achievement award for being the most wrong, most often.
the whole goal of science is to rebel against God, then their whole goal is to prove the bible wrong.
How about using the bible against the word of God? I don't know where in the bible it is, but there was a passage about someone who had to be struck from all memory and records. No one was to remember him and his family, and guess what the bible describes? God giving the orders to forget him, and to have his name be lost to time. Kinda defeats the whole forgetting part, doesn't it?
First, rebeling against God and proving the Bible wrong are two different things. People can believe in God and still think most of the Bible is bullshit, although they probably don't in Carico's church.
... the bible describes a tribe of giants called the Nephilim who were the sons of Anak that could very easily explain the skulls and bones that scientists have found.
The skulls and bones that scientists found were smaller than modern humans. "Lucy" was about 3 1/2 feet tall and weighed about 60+ pounds.
The sons of Anak were post-Noah, and the Bible never says they were destroyed. We were said to be like grasshoppers compared to them, which is anatomically impossible due to the square-cube law. Nephilim are also described in Genesis as the result of the sons of God mating with human women. No word where the sons of God came from. They would have been destroyed in the Flood, but the Bible says nothing about their size.
Yes, could explain, but since there is no evidence of that, only your desideratum, they think you an idiot. And just for the record, the goal is not rebelling against God, it´s to make a computer, know, the type of things your Biblical understanding is incapable of making.
Ed -- Oh, Ed, don't ever say that one irrational, brain-damaged Fundie can't out stupid another irrational, brain-damaged Fundie. Sure as you do, tomorrow's forums will prove you wrong. I'm sure right now Bro.R. is working on a justification for crucifixion of gays or some such horror.
Stupid as Carico regularly proves she is, she's still not as bad as "Rapists are doing us a public service by punishing women for being independent" Bro. Randy.
But still... Geez, Carico. You do like to top yourself, don't you?
You know, on further consideration, I concede to Papabear's point; this is mind-blowingly stupid, but I believe Randy can top it before New Years.
John said:
The skulls and bones that scientists found were smaller than modern humans. "Lucy" was about 3 1/2 feet tall and weighed about 60+ pounds.
(carico thinks this over)
Carico: Well, they were giants compared to humans back then; because they were only 7 inches tall, that's why they could live for 900 years!
for the most part, the whole goal of science is to rebel against God
Damn, then where did I get that weird notion about making human existence easier, happier and less perilous from?
Oh, I remember - God is punishing us because two people thousands of years ago had our inbuilt gullibility and lack of critical thought taken advantage of by somebody else, if the scriptures are accurate.
Well, then, I guess the goal of science is to rebel against god, assuming god is an irrational sadist who wishes us to barely continue to exist amongst plague, famine, hardship and misery. I know which side I'm on.
So tell me Carico, if you get cancer are you going to anoint yourself in oil and have your church elders pray over you, or are you going to place yourself in the care of an oncologist?
Let me see... Bible... Science?
The whole goal of science is to learn more about reality and, by doing so, improve average living conditions for humans all over the world.
The whole goal of fundamentalism is to rebel against this and to keep everyone as ignorant as they are.
You do know that all humanoid ancestors were SMALLER than Homo Sapiens, right? How could one of them be the GIANT you talk about?
Oh, and we don't come from apes, we are apes, stupid.
I've researched this, the Giant Human "finds", scientists didn't "find" them, and have in fact never seen them AS THEY DON'T EXIST.
Science would document them if they found them.
Dang, and here I thought the whole goal of science was to enable us to keep our TV dinners frozen, our automobiles running, our headaches medicated, and our internet available for use.
the bible describes a tribe of giants
Thank you for admitting that the "Macross" franchise is a documentary, then.
...especially macronised Klein Klan in "Macross Frontier".
Carico is proof that she was used by the Windermere Kingdom to test Var Syndrome. [/"Macross Delta"]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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