LivingHealthy #fundie
Yeah well; don't ask those dipshit atheists in Frisco running their zoo to hold your dinosaurs. They have one of the larger zoos in the world and all those queers and atheists couldn't figure out an 18 foot wall was only 12 feet tall.
Just like they didn't count on AIDS when they declared the commandment for sexual purity null and void. That's cost them 30 million dead so far with 40 million more sick and gonna die.
Oh yeah their 'atheist wisdom' didn't foresee that 40% of young adult women would be infected with HPV and candidates for more venereal cancers, either.
Oh yeah and that communist Atheism thing didn't work out too well in Russia and the East Bloc either, with shattered lives and 30 million dead.
Oh yeah and those atheists in charge of Maoist communism arent doing too well feeding people poison in food they buy, putting lead in children's toys, and harvesting those human organs out of religious & political prisoners, either.
And what about that Chinese internet? Yeah, that freedom from religion's just rolling right along. Which is why the average worker over there makes about six bucks a day.
Atheists are the most vile and evil scum on the earth and every time one dies I thank the Lord my God Almighty for getting the putrid dipshits off my planet.