[Review of "The God Who Wasn't There"]
You can argue all these "facts" until you're blue in the face but there is one truth about religion that Flemming seems to overlook: the facts don't matter
Should be removed. I dont think Breese is a fundie, and that's only a snippet from the beginning of his review. The full review is no longer available, but I would bet that his intent was to say something like "this film fails because facts aren't going to convince the target audience, true believers, and thus isnt a great film."
Not fundie. Just a non-believer stating the clearly obvious.
Well, he's honest!
And this classic (quoted here)...
"That's the beauty of Heaven, we can leave our brains behind!"
No thanks! When I go to The Great Gig In The Sky, I'm gonna be sure to keep my intelligence, thankyouverymuch!
MY MOTTO FOR FRUMMERS: Ignorance Is Next To Godliness!
"the facts don't matter"
Is that a fact?
The Philae lander - part of the Rosetta probe - connecting with 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko yesterday. (#CometLanding )
The potential for a new realm of science opening up: Xeno biology.
Mayhaps Fleming hadn't overlooked anything: that a similar comet - billions of years ago - could have delivered your proto-ancestors in Bacteria form. [/"Prometheus"] [/"The Andromeda Strain"] [/"Stratos 4"]
'Facts are stupid things'
-Ronnie Raygun
"MY MOTTO FOR FRUMMERS: Ignorance Is Next To Godliness! "
RAmen to that. b^_^d
"Should be removed."
I disagree strongly. It should be at the top of every page as a motto.
"Just a non-believer stating the clearly obvious."
That is how this quote struck me at first. Without context, it could be read either way.
The most I could find
"Overall, The God Who Wasn’t There is entertaining and it gets points for being gutsy and inventive but the truth is: none of this matters.
You can argue all these 'facts' until you’re blue in the face but there is one truth about religion that Flemming seems to overlook: the facts don’t matter. When it comes to faith, it’s all about faith. Christians don’t believe in the power of Jesus because they read a fact-filled book about him, they believe in the power of Jesus because they feel it. That’s conviction, bub."
The author himself doesn't seem to be a fundie when taken in context of the full article.
The point raised in the review indicates that the documentary was insufficient to be convincing to true believers. Here's the complete paragraph from which this quote was pulled:
"You can argue all these "facts" until you're blue in the face but there is one truth about religion that Flemming seems to overlook: the facts don't matter. When it comes to faith, it's all about faith. Christians don't believe in the power of Jesus because they read a fact-filled book about him, they believe in the power of Jesus because they feel it. That's conviction, bub. "
Please, Please, PLEASE listen to me! STOP PLAYING POKEMON! It's of the devil!
There was this kid who had a bunch of Pokemon merchandise in his room. He always had nightmares. One night God told himain a dream to burn all of his merchandise or he wil burn in hell. He told his parents and he did so. He stopped having his nightmares.
Please, please please STOP playing that HORRID GAME!
Similarly, I could explain the bible to you until I'm blue in the face, but there is one truth that Keith overlooks: when it comes to divinity, the facts really don't matter.
Which is why I don't hold you all responsible for not believing.
After seeing extended reviews on YouTube of this movie and Sorbo running from one religious chat show to another with his "angry Atheist" tour, I think we need a new movie.
How about a movie about a shouty bigoted idiot priest yelling his fool head off at church, spitting and yelling and waving his arms around, calling for the death and suffering of Homosexuals and liberals and other faiths and cultures (as they're wont to do, a lot of them) and the congregation cheering the hate on and spending the rest of Sunday bitching about people who effect them in no way. Then one of the stars can go on talk shows for months with his "Angry Christian" promotion.
Closer to the reality.
Wanna bit part in that one Kevin Sorbo?
You can play a angry Christian after being wound up in church being taught some damn manners by the Dennys waitress.
Sorry I thought I was referring to 'God's Not Dead'. I'll leave it there though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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