Faulty #fundie christianforums.com
Personally, I object to my children being taught the fairy tale that is evolution in school.
You really expect someone to sit down with a small child and teach them as such? "Son, in the beginning there was nothing. Then nothing happened to nothing and then nothing exploded into everything. Then there was goo, and that goo oozed onto a rock, that came out of the nothing, and contracted and extraordinary complex DNA programming which was just laying around minding it's own business. After this, the goo became something less gooey because it's DNA replicated itself, but actually 'oopsed' and replicated itself perfectly, but with millions of changes, into something with a fin, and the less gooey thing liked its fin, and gritted where it's teeth would be a billion years later, and chose it's offspring to have more fin-like DNA." etc, etc, etc
And that's more reasonable than "All that you see had an origin and a designer, and that designer is the all-powerful God, who created you in His image and likeness"? No, I don't have enough blind faith to be an evolutionist in any way.