David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I have a Catholic neighbor that is stubborn like a mule. He is a good man as far as sinners go, but he is religious without truth. I have witnessed to him on numerous occasions, but he prides himself in sticking to the teachings that his grandparents and parents taught him. He is idolatrous and smiles with arrogance when he tells me that he follows the Catholic Church over the Bible. He's about 50-years old. One day he will split Hell wide open and find out that God's Word is true and the Catholic Church lied to him. He is going to die in his sins without Christ. He adamantly believes that he is going to Heaven because of his faith AND GOOD WORKS. Adding anything to faith alone in Jesus is a false gospel and a guaranteed road to hellfire (Ephesians 2:8-9). I am saddened that he is going to Hell. He rejoices and drinks beer like water. He is living it up, like he's never going to die. I am praying for his salvation and won't give up on him, but he has given up on himself. He's a key figure in his parish, St. Jude. I love Catholics as people; but I hate the cult of Catholicism!



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