One day an anti-creationist might surprise us all and actual respond to an actual argument instead of a straw man.
Irony overload!!!!
*Head Asplodes*
You're right, we would rather respond to an actual argument instead of a straw man.
So when will you surprise us all and offer an actual argument?
Somebody slept through biology class and right afterwards slept through the entire internet.
Alternatively: -he's a 10 year old with good syntax and grammar.
-he is unable to read, due to Bible's being stapled over his eyes. Also: hard of hearing.
-the only anti-creationists he's dealt with are 10 year olds.
-Socrates is actually Ray Comfort, with all of his ability to comprehend when his argument has been contradicted.
-lying for Raptor Jesus.
-he's allergic to facts and goes into a coma everytime somebody corrects creationist misinformation.
-he's actually very dazed and confused creationists with anti-creationists.
I'm betting on the Ray Comfort one.
Dude, we can't strawman you guys. Your actual arguments are so freaking ridiculous we can't possibly invent an argument weaker or more ridiculous and stupid that a creationist hasn't actually made.* When we respond to the creationist arguments, it might seem like we're going after strawmen, but we're actually responding to arguments that creationists have actually made!
*See Ray Comfort as an example of this. There are plenty of others, but after the banana fiasco, Ray Comfort in particular just comes to mind. I would never be able to invent an argument more moronic than the arguments he actually makes.
Now, I know this is probably unintentional, but he said respond TO. Not with, TO. So yeah, I bet we'll ALL be surprised on the day one of us has to respond to an actual argument.
Too late. You missed it.
Also, if you don't want to see us using "straw men", then quite using arguments only a straw man would use, like that the craters on the moon were caused by water exploding out of the earth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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