geverest #fundie
Here is my postulation; the NEA is unashamedly, blatantly and purposefully anti-God, anti-family, anti-children, anti-marriage, pro-death and pro-gay. Unfortunately, the NEA represents the majority of the nation’s public school teachers and is by far the United States’ largest and in my considered opinion, the most dangerously influential labor union in existence today.
Here is a recent example, just a short while ago the NEA awarded its Creative Leadership in Human Rights to Kevin Jennings, co-founder and director of GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network). GLSEN is one of the most radical gay rights organizations in existence today and seeks to directly and overtly indoctrinate your children into the homosexual abomination through the public schools. In its document titled, Ten Things Educators Can Do, GLSEN makes the following recommendation, “Educators need to integrate LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) issues throughout the [public school] curriculum...” Do you think that GLSEN sounds like a group the NEA needs to endorse, and by proxy we as parents willingly endorse. I know, I can hear you question, how do I willing endorse GLSEN? You do so by sending your children into the public schools; because of your refusal to homeschool them. You don’t think so, if your kids are in public school, you sent them there willingly, didn’t you? Nobody forced you to, did they? At least not yet, praise the Lord!