[In discussion of Jo Hovind's sentence of 1 year in Prison]
"Where is the evolution theory is there a duty for apes to pay taxes?
Since evoas have no foundation of immorality, where do they get into discussing tax matters? Do pit bulls owe taxes???"
Jo Hovind wasn't jailed for not paying taxes. She was jailed for something called "structuring" - the standard drug-dealer money-laundering technique of dividing up bank transactions so that they never trigger the Federal $10,000 reporting limit.
Apparently Coadie hasn't figured out that if Hovind doesn't have to pay taxes, the rest of us will have to pay more. Or maybe he thinks Boeing's employees will work for free and the company will just give us stealth bombers, and grandpa who contributed to Social Security all his life will just say "Sure. Stop my Social Security check. I'll starve to death so Kent Hovind's employees don't have to pay".
What a fuckwit.
Since evoas have no foundation of immorality, Since evoas have no foundation of immorality, where do they get into discussing tax matters?
Since Hovind claims he has a foundation of morality, where does he get off stiffing the government out of taxes? That's what the fundamentalist Baptist who turned him in asked.
Oh, jeez, for the last time: EVOLUTION IS NOT A SET OF MORAL GUIDELINES.
It is nothing more than a description of a physical aspect of existence, and does not dictate any sort of "right" and "wrong". Saying that humans share a common ancestor with apes has as much moral impact as saying the sun is made of hydrogen and helium.
So you can just get off your persecution complex claiming that evolutionary theory was created solely to counter Christianity, and therefore apparently must cover all the same issues that Christianity does. It's just a freakin' observation about nature!
Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.
Read your own holy book.
Dumb fuck.
Obviously fundies have no sense of morality or the obligations of citizenry. Paying taxes is an AMERICAN obligation and as much as I would like to cut it out so I wouldn't have to pay part of our Presidunce's salary or for Haliburton's war profiteering, I just think that I am spending this money for something good like children's healthcare and our soldier's payrolls, and bite the bullet. But then I am an honest man not a fundie fraud.
Wow! Not reaching here or anything are we?
How is accepting evolution based upon the evidence remove any foundation of morality? It doesn't, just another bullshit fundie strawman.
Hmmm, I should practice my logical fallacies. Lemme guess... straw man?
And I suppose there's some sort of evolutionary basis for paying taxes. After all, many animals suck up to the leaders of their group with offerings of food, grooming, etc. In turn, the leader maintains order, a degree of safety, and keeps the group running effectively.
We humans have just screwed it up by adding bureaucracy.
1. Evolution is not a religion. It does not have a set of morals. No one 'follows' it. There aren't temples erected in its honor. Although as time goes by, I'm awfully tempted just for the giggles.
2. Render unto Caesar, bitch.
Yes, those apes that have evolved sufficiently to be income-earning human beings have to pay taxes. If you don't like it, maybe you can move into the Great Ape House at the zoo, where you'd still be able to carry on your occupation as shit-slinger but not have to worry about paying any of those nasty taxes.
You guys are dedicated, I'll give you that.
You assume the ToE is not a scientific theory, but a religious organization. You assume it has a 'moral code' that basically consists of "do what you want, it doesn't matter anyway." You ignore the fact that most people don't break laws because it would be ILLEGAL. You also imply that the only reason you don't commit crimes is because you might not get a prize if you do - and then you try to defend those of your mindset when they DO break the law.
Hypp O'Critt, party of one?
You also assume that people who believe in the theory of evolution do not follow any religion, and that religion is the basis of all ethics. False on both counts. Plenty of people believe in a higher power and subscribe to the throy of evolution, and the basis of ethics is empathy and common values.
OK let's tax the pitbulls at a nice high rate of 40%.
You've made nothing for the country, well done.
Where is the evolution theory is there a duty for apes to pay taxes?
Your obligation to pay taxes in the USA has nothing to do with "evolution theory". It is a statutory obligation under Title 26 of the United States Code .
Holy crap, are the denizens of CARM really that stupid?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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