["As far as I know, Jesus prayed privately, as he taught his pupils: But you, when you pray, go into your private room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father Who is hidden, and your Father, who sees in a hidden manner, will reward you openly. Matthew 6:6" ]
This quote is taken out of context. Why didn't you include the context, by which Jesus was urging people not to be like liberals?
Matthew 6:7
Be not you like the liberals, who are apparently a catch-all group for people we don't like. Seriously, fuck those guys. Literally everything bad can be attributed to them, even the shit for which you are personally responsible.
Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.
Isaiah 32:5 The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said [to be] bountiful.
God likes liberals.
Matthew 6:10
And beware the atheist muslim commie nazi baby-killing non-war-mongering human-right-supporting black man; for he is Satan and the Antichrist and shall plot against Me by making the world more appealing to man and woman alike.
Should I sign up for Mr. Schlafly's Bible Project?
Andy-Pandy, learn the meaning of liberal. I posted it here recently.
Jesus said: "Sell what you have, and give it to the poor"
Have you done this, Andy-Pandy? Has Phyllis?
Jesus also said: "The poor you always have with you".
It's true liberals want to benefit those who cannot help themselves, which is what Jesus was talking about.
Jesus won't be pleased with your twisting of his preaching. Naughty Andy-Pandy, you little Pharisee, you!
BTW, don't you ever read the New Testament?
Andy, never failing to find a way to shoehorn his violent hatred of liberals into unrelated topics. If it were not illegal to kill people just for being liberal, Andy (and many conservatives) would be a mass murderer.
Yep, as we all know, the terms "liberal" and "conservative" were totally used in Biblical times, and Jesus was a super-conservative Jew who taught nothing new and wanted to change absolutely nothing about the religion. That's why there's no such thing as Christianity and we're all actually Orthodox Jews, following the example of Jesus.
How does someone with Andy's obvious brain damage remember how to breathe & walk upright?
I bet Andy was the kid in class that ate the paste or lead paint chips. How else can a person be this stupid AND crazy?
What's this got to do with lib-
Oh wait, it's Andy.
I know conservatives love to use the word "liberal" to define anyone they don't like, but frankly I'm really getting tired of hearing the word used as a pejorative. I consider myself neither liberal or conservative, but this constant demonization of liberals by conservatives as the absolute worst thing anyone could ever be is really getting old.
"Jesus was urging people not to be like liberals?"
Have you ever actually read the Sermon on the Mount? Try Matthew 7:1-5. And then keep reading. (Chapter 8 is about free healthcare. You'll love that one.)
I have a better idea, Andy:
Since you're the one claiming that Jesus was "urging people not to be like liberals," why don't YOU provide the context ?
" Why didn't you include the context, by which Jesus was urging people not to be like liberals?"
Why didn't you quote the bible verse where Jesus said that?
Because that context does not exist?
In any case, gotta love how fundamentalists are always talking about context, as if somehow that makes everything better. "Yeah, there's a CONTEXT for why God killed millions of people!"
Actually, this is one of my favorite verses in the whole bible. Whenever I see a group of people standing on a street corner protesting immorality or bugging people walking by about their god I ask them to read it aloud with me. In full context, the quote is:
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
The word, Andy, is hypocrites. Not liberals. They're not synonymous. For example: you're a worthless fucking hypocrite, but nobody will EVER confuse you with a liberal.
@Doubting Thomas
I know conservatives love to use the word "liberal" to define anyone they don't like, but frankly I'm really getting tired of hearing the word used as a pejorative. I consider myself neither liberal or conservative, but this constant demonization of liberals by conservatives as the absolute worst thing anyone could ever be is really getting old.
They do it because it works. As sad as it sounds, something said often enough and loud enough becomes fact. I've even caught myself being timid about calling myself liberal. It's not like liberals have done anything particularly heinous that I'm ashamed of, it's purely because of the constant propaganda. As a liberal atheist I sometimes get to wondering if I'm an evil person. I know I haven't done anything bad, but because I'm constantly told that I'm evil it's starting to make me have doubts about myself. I'm always able to get myself out of my self-doubt, but it shows how powerful a propaganda campaign can be. It doesn't help that I can never match the cocksureness that they have.
The "context" was an admonition against making a spectacle of your faith...that those who pray where no ne can see or hear them PRAYZIN' THE LAWD are the ones who are sincere in their beliefs. That passage speaks about those who would jump up and down, shaming everyone in the streets becaus ethey are clearly so much more faithful and devout than the mud and slime they preach to.
You know, like guys like Mr. Schlafly here. That said, we know he can hardly be bound by the tenets of Christianity as clearly he knows far better than anyone what Jesus meant.
What "context"? He was urging people not to show off how pious they are by praying conspicuously, making a big public deal over their charity, putting on a long face so everyone could see they were fasting, and babbling on and on to God.
Is Andy suggesting that liberals go around praying and showing off their religious devotion? I guess Tim Tebow is a liberal (come to think of it, compared to Andy, he probably is).
"I guess Tim Tebow is a liberal (come to think of it, compared to Andy, he probably is)."
Compared to Andy, some Daleks are liberal.
Hey Schlafly! You do know that you're not allowed to pervert God's word for your own purposes, right? Oh wait... you're too obsessed with hating liberals to even listen to the rules laid out by God! You have no respect for anyone who does not share your opinions, and you made a site dedicated to spreading lies and misinformation claiming that liberals are responsible for everything bad that has ever happened.
But that's not all! You also teach homeschooled children and tell them to use your website of lies as a study aid. Not to mention your misogynistic style of teaching ensuring that the female students don't get as good of an education as the males. People like you are the reason that most people have such a low opinion of homeschooled kids.
In short, Andy Schlafly is a total piece of human garbage, and his association with the homeschool community sickens me to the core.
And Jesus was NOT telling people not to be like liberals, you lying scum!
This is just one of those many proofs that the ultra-conservative christians have no idea what Jesus says in the Bible or anything but select cherry picked phrases from it.
They follow the words of men, dishonest stupid and hateful men who are only intrested in the bible and conservatism for the money and power.
Schlafly is incapable of comprehending any culture that isn't explicitly red-blooded American. As a result, he assumes that American-style liberals and conservatives have existed throughout recorded history.
Yes, he really IS that stupid.
Matthew 6;6 But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
For someone that goes on about the blasphemy of others, it is difficult to imagine how hypocritical this is. Matthew 1-8 is the introduction to the Lord's Prayer, the only prayer that Jesus taught. That is the fucking context. You want more? How about this:
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal (Matthew 6:19)
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin (Matthew 6:28)
What, exactly, is illiberal about this?
This will be corrected in Andy's "The Bible is Not Conservative Enough For Me" project, and every instance of "evil" will be replaced with "liberalism", "feminism", "atheism", or "facts".
What's the difference between the Bible and Dianetics?
A: One is a badly-written work of fiction that nonetheless somehow managed to make it into the mainstream and create a now-large, dangerous, and growing cult worshipping it; and one involves aliens.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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