"phelps seems to be bad....what is the good for our society?"
Oh, I dunno... Fred & Shirley Phelps being publicly tortured to death on worldwide TV sound good to you? ;)
"universal homo supremacy? lets not forget, not just abortion on demand, but retroactive abortion on demand."
So you & your 'Pro-Life' ilk going to look after all the unwanted babies in the world?
...what's that? You can't be arsed? Well, colour me surprised. Until you do, or take up the gun and stage a coup against the Senate & House of Representatives (lol, US armed forces) and/or storm the Supreme Court (lol Roe vs. Wade), you should realise that there's fuck all you can do about abortion, and just STFU.
"to put 'christian morals' in a pot, and label it 'evil' what are we going to label good?"
Ah yes, Christian Morals'. Such as those promoted by the likes of Jim Bakker (stealing), Jimmy Swaggart (adultery), Ted Faggard (adultery, hypocrisy), Kent Hovind (not Rendering unto Caesar), Tony Alamo (serial statutory rapist; the only way he's leaving jail is in a box), Timothy McVeigh (terrorism), and Scoptt Roeder (murder). Amirite?
"satanic morals?"
Got it in one! You win a biscuit.
At you fundies, your way of thinking and the very fact you exist? Couldn't agree with you more, sunshine.