Finding the bible version of Adam and Eve, and the beginning of free will mixed with knowing oneself, Ted steps into scapegoating with the gusto of a Manichean.
We have to ask ourself why Ted waste its time on God and stories about what is the "question" of the beginning of KNOWING.
Just why is KNOWING, make God a asshole in the bigoted Manichean mind of Ted? What makes Ted blame some imaginary God, and worry about that imaginary God story? Strike out on that bold course of your own makings and get over it Ted. After all, Ted needs to think that God is the source of Ted's suffering for not knowing what is the right decision and the wrong decision.
And if Ted thinks all its decisions are "good and rightous", we can begin to diagnose Ted with God like mania, from which Ted scapegoats God for.
Poor Ted, trapped in a world where God is a asshole makes Ted that orginal hater of being alive. Ted needs that disgust of life to swell in Ted when Ted finds some God to blame.
I dispise God because........ Fill in the blank from Ted, for simply having no answers for death and imperfection
that make anymore sense then a allegory about how knowing began. Much less why the mind of Ted the Manichean, constructs more ignorance in wanting to know why some perfect thing became imperfect. Or why the perfect thing allowed imperfection to exist in the first place.
Ted is the typical failed Protestant who has that Puritan, Calvinistic TULIP, still in his mind.Now, Ted just what does TULIP stand for? And we know your the source of all knowledge.
Evil,free will, and things which ought not to exist, but do, such as death,disease, such as Cystic fibrosis, have made Ted simply a mind which never has comes to grips with evil.
Things which are, but shouldn't be allowed to exist, were Teds first disgust with thinking and knowing, if the truth be known.
For Ted, no real God, no good god, can exist which allows imperfections to exist and fought against free will or knowing.
Ted is that hillarious juvenile mind which sometimes never moves a inch throughout its existence which ends in its just rewards of nothingness.
Somewhere Ted said, "that should not be, but it is, it OUGHT not to be that way", the failed juvenile mind of Ted. Poor Ted, a dreamer of perfection who finds scapegoating is always a useful tool of those disappointments of reality.
But, don't get Ted wrong, eventually Ted just let such matters as evil and good, or knowing, how knowing came to exist, are not worth Teds rants and raves about "God being a asshole".
In many ways Ted exhibits, "the Julian mind", formed from 500 years of anti Catholicism, and even uses anogenital insults towards God.
Always you find those who failed that meditation on evil use anogenital images, and "self perceived insults" towards those parts of the body.
Ted, then goes off on God again, and writes one of the darndest things a scapegoater can write; "God simply hates the laughter of children".
Seems that free will of women is the hater of "laughter of children", when they choose "death as healing" through abortion.
I like Ted, stuck in that juvenile optimistic mind, which is actually a pessimistic hater of life, from never getting over what IS and what OUGHT to be.
And if Ted writes that juvenile sentence, concerning how God aborts more children then the will to murder life in the womb by women, Ted still has that mind made from being a failed Calvinistic Protestant(or fatalistic Eastern religionist), which infected those anti Catholics for 500 years.
And Ted must ask itself when nature acts according to nature(spontaneous abortion,etc.), is nature evil Ted? Is natural acts which always end in death still making God evil to you Ted? Such a pessimistic juveinile you are. Does your Manichean blood boil still, being that failure to know what nature IS and what nature OUGHT to be?
I like Ted, since Ted is that juvenile mind which went wandering about trying to know what sin is, or what evil is, or what is right and wrong and just threw up its hands and said; God is a asshole. SOOOOOOO intellectual Ted.
But, here is your life Ted, and how you fail that meditation on God and evil, or just those things which are(such as natural abortions) things which are, but shouldn't be.
The center of everyman's existence is a dream. Death, disease, insanity, are merely material accidents, like a toothache, cystic fibrosis, Parkinson's.
That these brutal forces always besiege the citadel and often capture the citadel, does not prove they are the citadel.
Poor Ted, that citadel of yours believes in being captured by your own materialism which leaves you gasping at assholes and thinking God made them a insult.